Sad News

I just found out my father has slipped into a coma. They give him 48-72 hours. I’m gonna totally freak out if he passes away the tonight on the same day my mother passed.

A Moment In History

Today marks the death of my mother. She passed away from lung cancer Feb. 23rd, 1978.

While I no longer get worked up about it, I still try to remember her. She died when I was only 7 years old. I remember the year I turned 15 thinking how unfair it was that I’d been alive longer w/o her than w/her. I took it really hard that year. The only source of comfort was my first love who tried his best to ease my pain.

It’s funny, I seemed to suffer more that year than I had at her passing. I’m sure it is related to my becoming an adult but it hurt a lot.

So, today is in remembrance of you mom. If you’re still up there don’t judge me too harshly, I’m doing the best I can.


Well you wanted a “topical” blog and you got one! Swiped from Carmen today, I discover this tidbit about our not so beloved Pope. Apparently, his royal crabbiness has released a new book relegating being gay to being insidious evil. Huh, so not only are we sinners but we are insidiously evil now. When will it end!?

“…- Homosexual marriages are part of “a new ideology of evil” that is insidiously threatening society…”

I agree w/Carmen on this one. A man such as the holiness knows the “translations” of today’s bible incorrectly persecute whole sections of society, gays included. Not only that, he perpetuates the lies in attempt to continue the church’s control over our society. Ergo keeping the church in business. (I’m not sure if that is the proper use of ‘ergo” but it sounded good so I used it.)

Blog This

I feeling crappy today. I had a sore throat last night and woke up several times last night coughing. I seem to be better today but my energy level has tanked. That said, I did manage to drag my lazy carcass to the gym. I haven’t been in over a week and OY! did it feel good to work out. Course, I’m sure that’s why my energy levels are low now. Probably should have waited one more day but I hate getting into that rut of thinking “oh, I’ll go tomorrow”.

Being in a bitchy mood brings me to today’s rant. I got an anonymous email a while back that I had forgotten about until blogrolling today. The person gave me praise for my insights and then went on to criticize me for not blogging about things that were important to me. I’m like WTF? I do blog about the things important to me. When a story strikes my fancy or hits close to home, I’m sure to bring it into the fold but I don’t feel a responsibility to blog every scandal to death. There are plenty of other bloggers out there beating the blogosphere for me. I read some of the often.

I couldn’t care one wit about the hypocrite in the White House. I’ve known from the very beginning they were a lying bunch of skanks. This latest scandal comes as no real surprise to me. Further, I don’t feel the need to say “shame on you” to Mr. Gannan or Guckert or whatever the frell his name is.

Blogger Convention

Ok, its not a convention, I just couldn’t think of a catchier title. So, I met Bratt tonight. We setup plans for cocktails and dinner. *He snapped a picture so pics forthcoming* He brought his friend Karen, known on his blog as ‘The Republican’. I liked her immediately, her polical status not withstanding.

I’m writing this w/o peeking at his blog to see what he wrote about me. He brought his laptop so I know he’ll probably post something. My first impression of Brat was almost as expected. He is a bit taller though. I guess we always assume everyone is our own height. Otherwise, I found him to be a bright, kind, sensative, funny, and sweet fellow. There were no awkward silences over dinner and the conversation flowed easily between the three of us. A very good dinner I might add.

**btw Brat, as stated I’m not a heavy drinker. After getting home, I felt tuckered out and decided to skipp the evening festivities….did you feel like Kate ‘fucking’ Blanchette as expected?**

So score one for blog meetings this one was a success. We are supposed to get together for lunch tomorrow before he flies off to ChiTwon again. That is, if he gets up at a decent time. *giggle*

Midnight Madness

Ok, so take a gander at the time of my post. Yes, you read it right. I am just dragging my carcass home from my late night shenanigans. Its good to be home! I can’t believe I stayed out till freaking 5:00am in the morning! God, I haven’t done that since college. It was worth it though. I was a shameless flirt and loved it.

Well, I’m home to sleep the day away. Hope everyone is starting off their weekend w/a bang.

Missing Blog

My apologies I’ve kinda been neglecting the blog this week. Been in a so/so mood since getting back from TX. Probably just need to recharge my batteries.

I’m looking forward to meeting Brat tomorrow. This will be our first in-the-flesh meeting so I’m all excited. He was one of my first blog buddies when I finally ventured into blogging last year. He sounds like he has a busy weekend lined up so I hope he manages to squeeze me in.

Been a bit busy this week as well. Monday & Tuesday are a bit of a blur. I think I was on auto-pilot. Wednesday, was I worked a short day. I’ve started Phase IV of Fire Training. (WTF you say?) San Francisco has a unique agency. When you call 911 for Police/Fire/EMS, the person who answers can help you. We don’t transfer you off to anyone else. We are one of a very few agencies w/the universal call-taker model. However, agencies all over the country are flocking to our Comm center to check it out. We took over Fire/EMS call taking 2 years ago. The last phase (phase IV) is taking over the Fire/EMS dispatch side of things. I’ve been detailed for the last two days. The bad part is I had to switch from evenings to mornings for the classroom part of the training. My body hasn’t been very happy about that. Hasn’t added to my mood one bit.

This is my first sat/sun off and I’m sooo looking forward to it! I finally get to have a semblance of a social life again. Wahooo!


Not caring a wit about the hypocrisies in the White House, I post this link for the other hussy’s out there.

Ameriblog has href=””>Jeff Gannon, naked in all his glory for the world to see. *hehehe*

Thank You Again

A big thank you to all my blogging friends (and strangers) who sent such kind words of encouragement.

I haven’t quite caught up yet so if I haven’t gotten back to you personally, please bear w/me. I’m a bit backlogged. I took the laptop w/me but didn’t have a chance to update much from Nowhere, TX.

A big thank you to Carmen for his sheer tenacity. Apparently, he sat down and read the entire blog. You gotta give him kudos for having that much stamina. LOL *thanks for the link as well Carmen*

Meanwhile Back At The Ranch….

OY! Its good to be home. I’m almost recovered from the trip. I was so exhausted. The flight home was pretty uneventful. I managed to catch an earlier flight on the layover in Chicago. They didn’t charge me anything extra which was a big surprise. I don’t mind flying American but they use those tiny frelling S80 planes that get uncomfortable after about an hour.

Thoughts I pondered while away:

  1. I rented a 05 Monte Carlo for less than the price to rent a GEO here in SF.
  2. Whataburger Rules! We need them here in SF
  3. Q:Why Houston is so Obese? A:No one walks and there are fast food joints on every corner.
  4. Cops in other States don’t care that you work for them in California
  5. Everyone in TX asks me about Earthquakes like everyone here asks about hurricanes there.

Other random bits of info.
My youngest brother is 9 years younger than me.
My oldest brother is 9 years older than me.
The Aunt I didn’t want to see wasn’t there. Apparently, she was told if she couldn’t keep her mouth shut to stay away until I left. I guess that was her answer.
The 2 other remaining Aunts were there. Neither of them recognized me until introduced by a sibling.
Everyone kept asking where my special friend was. I got so tickled by the attempt to include him I couldn’t tell them we weren’t’ together anymore.

A distant cousin came out to me in private. He wanted to know what it was like to take it like a man? My response, I’d have to show you to make you understand. Just kidding, I said it’s just like losing your cherry. Only you get to do it over and over and over. *g*

My gay brother [1]ok, straight w/gay tendencies is more like it. is remarried and has two kids now. He didn’t say more than two words to me the whole time I was there. *I feel sad for him*

Oh, and a tidbit I didn’t know…The entire clan thinks my first girlfriends kid is mine. How that happened I’ll never know. Considering the kid was born 2 1/2 years after we “did the deed” and looks nothing remotely like me.

I love Neanderthal looking men. Can’t help it. Guys w/over developed jaws and strong foreheads just do it for me. *had nothing to do w/the rant but just thought I’d slip that in there as one just walked by*

I still know how to call cattle.

I can still skin a deer in 20 minutes flat.

No matter where I go, home still feels like home.


1 ok, straight w/gay tendencies is more like it.