
Well, I’m on the new servers but there is some sort of problem w/getting WordPress up and running. After spending an hour online w/tech support they can’t explain why it isn’t working either. Everything looks correct but it just ain’t connecting….

You’ll notice some of the blog is missing too. I didn’t rebackup the backup after posting yesterday. Oh well, I can always re add later. Wish me luck w/the fix. They are supposed to email me sometime today w/details and a possible fix.

I’m Gonna Live

Well the good news, the doc says I’m gonna live. He thinks it might have migrated from just a viral flu to strep throat but no definite answers. However, he did tank me up w/lots of drugs. I’ve never been a big fan of drugs, over the counter or otherwise but, I’m to a point now where I’m just miserable. I start the day out feeling “great” and steadily decrease into “I hate you and want you to die” mode.

I know I shouldn’t complain. I’m rarely sick. However, when I am it is always seems to be a doozy.


The server switch has been completed so now I’m just waiting for my domain(s) to be re-pointed to the new servers. blah blah blah.

What this means is my site will probably go down sometime during the day tomorrow. I’ll get it back up as soon as possible.

Blech Reloaded

I’m still feeling very icky. I thought I was doing better and then last night I had a low grade fever and super sore throat to go w/the coughing. Ugggh! I called the doc and they plan to squeeze me in tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, my voice hasn’t completely come back yet. I’m not going to work today either. Maybe giving the ole voice box a break will do the trick.

The domain is still in flux. Sometime between now and tomorrow it is supposed to be completed. Today would be perfect as I’m off and have time to kill. Daytime TV is sooo overrated. 😛

@#$%! Where is Moby?

I just found out I have to switch my domain from a MS server to a Linux server. Apparently, the last rep I talked to at 1and1 didn’t really know his biz because he gave me the wrong info. What this means to you, my dear readers, is my blog will temporarily disappear sometime between today and Wednesday.

Fear not, I will be back. I just may not be reachable for a few days. My entire domain will be affected. I could switch back to the old blogspot address but thats pointless.

I’m doing a backup of the entire domain now. I have to reload everything! I guess I shouldn’t bitch too much. 1and1 has been superb so far. No one is perfect right?

I also found a fantastic new template to use too. Totally different from the one I have now. Slick as owlshit if you ask me. *g* It probably won’t be up until late this week or early next. I want to get the domain back up and running first, then get wordpress intergrated. *crossed fingers* If all goes well, I’ll update the template last. Well that is the goal anyway.

Double Ugh!

I’m pulling a 16 hour shift today. Two 4 hour sessions w/the first starting promptly at 7:00am and then my regular 8 hour shift. I am beat! The first to teach the incoming academy class and the second for my CPR recertification.

I didn’t really plan it that way. I signed up back when I still had Fridays off. It didn’t really hit me that I was working 16 full hours until I got to work this morning. Technically, I’m not allowed to work more than 12 but since I’m spanning several shifts, no one noticed. *g*

I’m still icky but not coughing quite as much today. I’m hoping I’m back on the mend. I’m sure my long hours today aren’t helping at all. I hate Hate HATE being sick. Can you say CRANKY!?

Hear No Evil

Hmmmm. Me thinks someone needs a timeout.

“Looks like it’s anal sex week,” Lou Novak loudly remarked as a group from the Life Long AIDS Alliance walked though the state House office building.
The group included a 13-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy. The boy’s family had recently been forced to move because of anti-gay prejudice in his neighborhood.
Novak is first vice president of the Rental Housing Association of Puget Sound, a landlords’ organization.
The leader of the AIDS awareness group, Suzie Saxton of Yakima, followed the man into the public Capitol cafeteria and asked him what he’d said. She said Novak repeated his comment and told her people shouldn’t engage in irresponsible sex and ask for public money.

Now had this been the reverse, every christian group in the nation would call for a ban on any sort of “unapproved” visits.

Am I Popular?

Ok, so trying to pull myself out of the funk I’m in, I’ve been trying to be a bit proactive and get my act together. *stand back folks, this might be dangerous*

I’ve been whining for months now about folding my blog into my domain. Well, I moved it but am still doing updates thru blogger.com. Today, I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade my hosting package so I can utilize WordPress. While doing so, I checked my site stats and got a big surprise. There are a lot more people linking to me than I thought. I try to nab’em all thru Technorian but apparently I ain’t even close. I found 60 unique links from other blogs and search engines in just the past 5 days. I have no idea if that means I’m popular or not but it made for a good headline don’t ya think?

I’m new to WordPress so if the blog goes bonkers over the coming days fear not, its just me tinkering w/stuff. I plan on making a backup just in case I really screw it up good. The template will be changing as well. I really like this one but it doesn’t utilize enough of the page to squeeze in side bars. I haven’t found a new one yet so any references are appreciated.

I’d also love some feedback on blacklists that work w/wordpress for blocking sp@mmers. Blogger does a fine job keeping them at bay but when I’m on my own that will be another story altogether. I’d love one that allows me to approve posts from other bloggers and remembers them the next time so I don’t have to continually approve them over and over.

Any suggestions?

Ugh! / Ramlings

I’m miserable sick today. I probably shouldn’t have come in to work but I’m here now. I’m in fire training and they have a particularly snotty supervisor on the overlapping day shift. She got her fill of me today after she incorrectly gave me a brief nasal toned speech on an error she thought I committed. I think it surprised her as I am usually very polite and jovial. She’ll think twice before she uses that tone w/me next time though. [1]I say that now, I’m sure she’ll whine to one my sup’s who will have a “talk” w/me. . . whatever

I got a follow up from the clan today. The funeral went over well and no one made an ass of themselves. That was a total surprise. However, Aunt Holy-Roller did make the funeral after all. She was ganghawled by the whole family for her attitude and pissy remarks in the email to my brother. Apparently, word got out she was playing goody two shoes and they weren’t having it. I’m led to believe she burst into tears at the wake after the umpteenth family member gave her an ear full. Gave me a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

So, I’m left w/my sorrow and anger right now. I’m super cranky today but managing to hang in there.

A super huge THANK YOU to everyone who sent their thoughts, prayers, and kind words about my father. I am forever grateful for it. Being someone who has never had any close family ties I’m sincerely touched by the support of strangers and friends alike.


1 I say that now, I’m sure she’ll whine to one my sup’s who will have a “talk” w/me. . . whatever