Ok, well I’ve got everything working so far. I am completely unfamiliar w/php workings so it is gonna take me a few days to get the site back up to its old functionality. The links section is back along w/the the blog history. Since I’m working w/o my old template the site will stay in the default form until I get the hang of things.
After Brat’s rant yesterday about his blog taking on a new direction, I figured I’d one up him and share the plans for my own changes ahead. Most of you know I’m in process of folding my blog into my domain, www.mobius.name. What you don’t know is I plan to make it a starting point for all my online activities. The changes will start out slow but eventually everything I do online will have some reference or connection to my site. All my bookmarks, my contacts, blog links etc will be included. While all of this won’t necessarily be available to view, you won’t be able to visit the site w/o coming away w/some idea of what it is to be me.
My blog will actually split into two separate sections. I’ll continue the main part which will be my ongoing rants/raves as usual. The new blog will be more of a mundane journal of my day to day activities, thoughts, etc. I love blogging but I miss being able to document my private thoughts. The parts of me that only share w/myself. I’ve written private journals on and off for years and have always derived powerful insights into myself when going back and re-reading them later. If I can gain this much insight into myself, what if I was to share it for others to benefit from?
That said, I’m not sure if the world is ready to see the inside workings of my head. What if I alienate a close friend? What if I sound like a hypocrite? Take this post for example. This is a view of the ‘polished’ Moby. I’ve re-written it several times in an effort to get the “sound” of it right. Now imagine for a second, you are given the key to my private thoughts and being given full permission to read it.
This begs the question, would you even want to? Would you want to see me in my sometimes up, sometimes down, frail, raw, emotional, insecure, over secure self. No edits, no spell check, no grammatical rules…just the unedited raw moby in all his madness. A bit daunting, even for me.
Being a total techie, all of this falls inline w/my own ideals of becoming truly interactive w/the net. If I had my way, I’d be connected 24/7. I have all these ideas for sections on advice, tips, etc so I’m just bursting w/excitement.
So sit back, stay tuned, and enjoy the ride!