
I’m in a mood today. I seem very antsy and haven’t quite nailed the reason(s) why yet. Having not felt this way in a while, its annoying the frell out of me.

Life has been keeping me a bit distracted lately so I haven’t worked on the new template much. No biggie as life should come first. You’ll just have to suffer thru the boring template for now I’m afraid. I used a site building tool thats bundled w/my domain to throw something together but I don’t really like it. Wrong colors and just not me. You can check it out at This is my old domain which I eventually plan to phase out.

I did manage to get quite a bit of the domestic crap done over the weekend. I’m home now waiting for my groceries to show up. I absolutely detest domestic chores. The worst being laundry. UGH! Anyway, I’m hoping the delivery guy shows up soon as I want to hit the gym today. I seem to be 100% recovered from the flu. I wonder if thats why I’m feeling ansy?


The only noteworthy thing today was lunch w/TH. He works a standard day shift so we met his lunch/my breakfast so to speak. He is quite the adorable fucker. Once I get his permission, I’ll post a pic so you can be the judge.

You Should Die Because Your Bad

I left my first derogatory comment on someone’s blog today. But it wasn’t directed toward the owner, nay. It was directed towards a very insensitive fuck who thinks he has the right to say someone deserves to die over having bad habits. I know, I know, “moby your rambling again, please focus and explain.” Well, I’m getting there, keep your panties on.

Feeling a bit euphoric from such a great evening, I was trying to catch up on my blogroll. I’m scrolling thru Andymatic, whom I love reading, and I come across this post about the San Diego Diocese blocking a catholic funeral because the deceased was gay and owned a gay night club. I’m not surprised at this point until I’m reading the comments and schmucko aka Mark Ness left this lovely comment.

# Mark Ness Says:
March 19th, 2005 at 3:10 pm

John died of a drug overdose, not congestive heart failure. Anyone in the ‘industry’ knows what really happened here.

While I don’t agree with the Diocese in this case, the guy got what was coming.

Of course, he didn’t leave an email or web address. I can only surmise because his balls are about the size of snow peas but I digress.

Let me first say, anyone who knows me, knows I have zero tolerance for drug use. I can honestly say I’ve never even smoked a joint and I have no desire too. I make no secret about the fact that I have zero respect for people who use drugs. I also have the greatest respect for people who realize the destructiveness of what their doing and clean up their act. Point made? Having no respect for someone in no way translates into saying I think they deserve to die. I’ve only wished death on one person in my life and I’m sure the very few of you who have been with me since the beginning of my blog can guess who.

I can’t help but be reminded of the Lord of the Rings. I know its a cheesy reference but I find the statement very relevant here. The quote goes almost like this

“..many live that deserve to die. Many die that deserve to live. Do you have the power to give the latter their life back?”

So my point to you Mr. Goody-two-shoes, is don’t be so quick to deal out such harsh judgment to people, gay or straight. The same comments have been made about gays and PWA’s too often for my liking. By making this horrible statement, you sink to the level of the very hate-mongers we oppose.

Enough said? Good, moving on….

I Still Got It!

I can report the date w/TH (the hottie) went great. I had a busy day so I was a bit rushed by the time rolled around. We ended up at Catch in the Castro which is one of my favorite restaurants. He has a great sense of humor which I found very appealing. I love a guy who can let go and laugh at himself as well as the world around him. He also has this adorable little scar behind his cheekbone that I kept wanting to kiss all thru dinner. Most people wouldn’t have even noticed but I have this thing for tiny scars. It was very distracting. Add to that he was very attentive, charming, and sweet throughout the evening and I came away feeling things I haven’t felt in awhile.

I was a bit nervous at first. We had the ex talk so he knows I’m a bit “vulnerable” right now. [1]I get such a giggle thinking of myself as vulnerable but its more or less true He isn’t really trying to rush it so I soon settled into being my normal terribly incorrigible self so everything worked out great.

The only other odd thing has to do w/me. I have this completely unconscious habit of focusing a conversation on myself. I have no control over it until I notice it and then sort of try to cool it. I have no idea why I do it but I caught myself a couple times and so finally I shared it w/him. We got a nice laugh out of it and he seemed to like it. He got high marks for that. *g*


1 I get such a giggle thinking of myself as vulnerable but its more or less true


I’m tired. I’ve been on the go all day and time for a break. I had lunch w/the ex this morning. We caught up on the usual stuff. He was sorry to hear about my dad passing.

Afterwards, I was off to my first executive board meeting as a newly elected Union member. The exec. board meets once every 2 months to go over Union wide issues, vote, etc. It lasted approximately 3 hours. The one good part was I got to get up and address the entire room regarding conditions at our local chapter, my work. Rarely, being at a loss for words, I gave a pretty quick, direct speech on where we were as a new chapter, what we hoped to accomplish, and advised the membership body of how poorly we’ve been treated/paid. Quite a few people had questions and even more came up to me after it was over saying how invigorating my speech was. Well, I love to toot my horn and nothing gets it loud like a crisis. Needless to say, I got the message across. And I got a nice stipend for showing up too!

Now, I’m gonna try and sneak off to the gym. I have a date tonight and I’m excited. We met at the BCC contest this past Thursday and I couldn’t help but flirt w/him. He seemed mutually inclined so here we are. I never could resist a set of pretty eyes and flashing smile. Both of which, TH (the hottie) has in abundance. This will be the first date I’ve gone on since the break up so I’m a bit nervous. I’ll try to keep my mouth shut and just look pretty.

More later….

Today’s Business

I finally made it back to the gym today. My energy tanked after only the second exercise but I kinda expected that. I’m not quite 100% yet. I lowered the weights and went thru the motions just to get my heart rate up. It felt so good to be back in the gym. Crunch is rarely busy during the late mornings when I go which is nice. I pretty much have the run of the gym. No steam room stories today as I was pushed for time. I came into work early.

I’m back on the PD side at work today. They were very short staffed so I got pulled from training. I have to admit the break has been nice. I’ve noticed already, I’m not as short w/irate or stupid callers. I guess sometimes a good break is all it takes.

Tonight is the next prelim contest for the BC calendar. So all you local bitches, get off your rump and go support a good cause! (yes, that means you Tim)

I went on a cleaning frenzy last night. I haven’t really been keeping up on the domestic chores these last two weeks. I put my my new found energy to good use and cleaned the pad. UGH! I hate doing domestic shit. Only thing left is laundry. I’m down to the old socks and jocks so its time.

Boy Scouts Having Their Way w/You

This just chaps my hide.

Senate Majority leader Bill Frist has introduced legislation that would make it illegal to bar the Boy Scouts from using pubic facilities.

If Frist’s ”Support Our Scouts Act” becomes law the federal government would be obliged to support the Scouts and state and local governments would be required to give Scouts access to their facilities if they make them available to other groups.

Frist (R-Tennessee), a former Scout, tried to pass a similar bill last year, but he found little support at the end of a busy year in Congress.

Other Senate co-sponsors include Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander, Kentucky Republican Jim Bunning, Montana Republican Conrad Burns, Idaho Republican Larry Craig, Nevada Republican John Ensign, Florida Democrat Bill Nelson and Oregon Republican Gordon Smith.

I’m happy to read that the bill has no where near enough support to pass but balls of this guy is astounding. First off, even if it did pass, it would get shot down in the courts as it would cleary be unconstitutional. DUH! Leave it to a dim-witted, narrow-minded republican to come w/a brand new way to waste tax payer dollars.

I got a tickle out of the rest of the story though. Apparently, since their “come to jesus” decision to exclude gays, the scouts aren’t doing so well. Go figure.

Meanwhile an FBI investigation is continuing into allegations that the Boy Scouts of America is inflating its membership to gain funding. (story)

The number of scouts has dwindled since it became embroiled in the dispute over gay scouts.

Membership in the BSA has declined since the Supreme Court ruling. But, in cities where agencies like the United Way continue to fund the BSA it is alleged that troops are being encouraged to list fake names as members to boost enrolment making the group eligible for more money.

Poor things, they have to resort to lying to boost their numbers..Wait! Isn’t lying a sin? *checking the holy-roller text* Why! yes it is! SCANDAL.

On to the Drivel

Now that I’m off my horse for the day, on to the rest of my meanderings. I friend stop by today to get help on his dreamweaver skills. Said friend, who I’ll refer to as P from here on out, is a nice guy and I enjoy his company. However, P always seems to go on and on about drama w/his ex. His ex is a bit psychotic. Today, as usual, he brings up the latest drama w/his ex.

The reason I bring this up is later on he mentions another friend of mine that I know from back home in TX. Said friend, N, lives here now. What cracks me up is P starts telling me about issues he has with N. Issues which seem to be the same issues relating to his ex. So being the good friend that I am, I told him to stop worrying about said ex and move on with his life. The truth often comes out in the end so why worry? *It didn’t work, he missed the cue completely and kept right on rambling*

Up & Coming

I finally figured out what I was doing wrong w/the flash file I’ve been working on. I won’t bore you w/the details but I couldn’t get the dame thing to work. Today, I finally got it, so to speak. I diddled around enough w/it to make it work for me but no way I’m anywhere close enough to building one from scratch.

Check out a preview. You likes? *Note – you need flash player installed for it to work. It is loading across the entire page so it tends to look a bit grainy. Never fear the final product will look sweet!*

OH! I almost forgot. Check the nifty little Moby icon that loads next to the link in the address bar. (and/or on the tab if you are using firefox/netscape)

New Definition for Terrorism

I’ve seen this happen quite a bit but I’ve kept quiet about it. With the new legislation passed after 9/11, the term ‘terrorism’ has taken on a life of its own in this country. Every time someone thinks a crime is heinous or serious they refer to it as terrorism. I offer a big….WHATEVER!

So now your thinking, “WTF are you rambling about Moby?” Well, I’m catching up on headlines this AM and I stumbled across this story about the accidental release of a list of names involving people who are HIV positive. Apparently, some of the folks on the list received a harassing letter stating that someone knew their names was on the states list of HIV positive people. While I am of the firm belief said person who did this is a big time coward, sending someone a harassing letters is not an ‘act of terrorism’. For clarity I’ll say it again, I think the person responsible needs his ass whooped. Clear enough? Good…moving on.

For the record, the word terrorism is defined as the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature.

All I’m saying is we have a habit overreacting as a society at times and this a is a glaring example of such. Don’t even get me started on the whole “patriotic” issue anytime someone w/half a brain disagrees w/our not so brilliant leader & chief.

I’m all for punishing the pathetic waste of skin that did this however, yelling “wolf” every time only serves to diminish the belief that the wolf exists.