New Camera

As promised, I finally broke down and bought a new digital camera. The ex got the last one in the split. I ended getting the Canon A510

Canon A510

which is not their latest and greatest but that just means I got a better deal on it.

Not being a true ‘are-teest’, I don’t need tons of bells and whistles for the advanced photographer. I just need a decent pixel size, ability to transfer/print, and size. All of which is provided by this model. So now I have no excuse not to have more pics for the blog. I get so jealous of homer, Jimbo and some of my other blogroller’s who always have such great pics on their sites.

Oh crap! I forgot to enroll in the extended warranty. I’m off to the website to get it!

I splurged and got it 2nd day delivery so I’m hoping it ships by Monday. I’d be surprised if it showed up any sooner than that.

Multiple Dating

I cross posted this from my tribe. I got some great and honest responses so I thought I’d post here as well and see what you folks think.

So heres a question. Can you or do you date more than one guy at the same time?

I’ve never been able to pull it off successfully. I know in the straight world it seems perfectly acceptable to have multiple suitors until one is chosen. However, I always end up feeling guilty and two-faced and it ALWAYS seems to happen to me.

I met a really nice guy a week or so back and we’ve just begun getting to know each other. I then run into another guy at the gym and we hit it off as well. Now the second guy wants to start dating as well.

Of course, TH is the one I was referring to. And if I had to go just on looks, I’d go for TH as he just does it for me in that area.

I probably over analyzing it but I made a promise to myself this year that I would take care of me first. Should I play the field and see whats out there? I usually just end up feeling so damned guilty as if I’m cheating. My best friend T usually says, “unless there is a ring on my finger, I’m still single and that means I can go out w/whoever.” Well, true but I’m not built that way.

This sorta goes back to my “Good Man” post. I try to be a good guy because I know thats what I want in return. And I wouldn’t want some guy I’m into two-timing w/someone else. And for clarity, I’m not referring to sex. Sex is so easy to find in this city. Its like pizza, you can go online and order in. I’m talking about the emotional aspects.

I’ve already made up my mind on how I plan to proceed but I’d love some feedback. (Write it down folks, Moby is actually ASKING for help!)

Edgar “Friendly”

While I’m on the topic of friends or being friendly, I had an interesting conversation at the gym today. After saying hi to a girl who was very helpful when I first signed up, she decided to ask me a burning question today. She was curious as to why I am always so friendly to her.

I’m the type, I have no problem starting up a conversation w/a complete stranger. (There’s a surprise right?) I don’t know if it’s just because I’m a friendly person or if it involves something much deeper. Maybe, because I was never given much physical affection as a child. On the latter, Dr Freud is on vacation so we’ll just have to save it and crack it open on a later date. Back on story, not everyone here in SF is always receptive to my friendly ways.

I could tell she was a bit timid so I just told her to spit it out. She wanted to know if I was gay. I said, “of course.” Her response was, “I thought so I just wanted to be sure because you are always so friendly and I thought you might be trying to hit on me.” So this got us to talking about my being friendly and how receptive people here are. Or more to the point, she wanted to know if it bothered me when people weren’t receptive. It took me a minute to form a response as I’ve never really consciously thought about it. But there it was, and I was given a chance to bring it into the conscious mind. My response was I really don’t care. Simply put, if I change my ways because I find some folks aren’t receptive then I let that mentality win over. I think my friendliness or being approachable is part of what makes me so appealing to most people. Of course, I’m sure it will turn some people off to me as well. However, no one is liked by all so again that’s a no brainer.

I just thought this relevant as it was kind of a revelation to me. Maybe just because I’ve never really thought much of it. It has just always been part of who I am. Today, I got an insight into myself from a complete stranger. I guess that shows I’m still learning.

Friends of A Feather

My dearest friend Tim sent me this email this morning and instructed me to share it will all of you, my dear dear readers. He apparently got it from one of you, and he sends his thanks.

Found this by searching through some of the contacts on your blog – so you have no one to blame but yourself

Monday, March 21, 2005
What are you reading?
Via Fragmentary Blue:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.

OK, I knew you were busy so I have posted the three sentences for you, you just copy them and put them on your blog because I knew which book would be closest to you, here are the sentences

See Dick Run

Run Dick Run

Dick is a good runner

You are more than welcome.


Ahhh, the love of good friends. *mental note – remove Tim from the Xmas card list*


Ignunce At Its Finest

I’ve been quiet about the whole Teri Shiavo case as I’ve been waiting to see how it unfolds. Let me say for the record, if I was in Teri’s shoes, I would not want to be kept alive that way. I am of a firm belief that there comes a time when you are faced w/a quantity of life vs a quality of life. Even if she does get ‘better’ as some limited few have stated. Better does not mean she will recover people. Their version of better means she would be confined to a bed the rest of her life and only be kept alive by the machines attached to her. Thats not living!

But, I can’t say who is right or wrong because I don’t know. What I can say is Congress’s actions are beyond deplorable. They have turned this horrible case into a political statement to appease their conservative base. Even with public opinion polls showing a whopping 75% of Americans would not want to be kept alive. I was reading some comments on Dunners’ blog and stumbled across a ‘holier-than-thou’ mentality. These people crack me up. They feel no shame in meddling in someone else’s life because of their own misguided beliefs. Let me spell it out for you. Keep your nausiating beliefs in your own backyard and leave me alone.

Today is a scary day indeed folks. This case will set a precident that could haunt us for decades. Congress does not need to be meddling in our personal lives. Once the line is crossed, there is no turning back.

On a side note, this article might be of use. If you do not have a living will or at the very least a DNR (do not resuscitate) in place, you are asking for the same thing to happen to you!


I’m in a mood today. I seem very antsy and haven’t quite nailed the reason(s) why yet. Having not felt this way in a while, its annoying the frell out of me.

Life has been keeping me a bit distracted lately so I haven’t worked on the new template much. No biggie as life should come first. You’ll just have to suffer thru the boring template for now I’m afraid. I used a site building tool thats bundled w/my domain to throw something together but I don’t really like it. Wrong colors and just not me. You can check it out at This is my old domain which I eventually plan to phase out.

I did manage to get quite a bit of the domestic crap done over the weekend. I’m home now waiting for my groceries to show up. I absolutely detest domestic chores. The worst being laundry. UGH! Anyway, I’m hoping the delivery guy shows up soon as I want to hit the gym today. I seem to be 100% recovered from the flu. I wonder if thats why I’m feeling ansy?


The only noteworthy thing today was lunch w/TH. He works a standard day shift so we met his lunch/my breakfast so to speak. He is quite the adorable fucker. Once I get his permission, I’ll post a pic so you can be the judge.

You Should Die Because Your Bad

I left my first derogatory comment on someone’s blog today. But it wasn’t directed toward the owner, nay. It was directed towards a very insensitive fuck who thinks he has the right to say someone deserves to die over having bad habits. I know, I know, “moby your rambling again, please focus and explain.” Well, I’m getting there, keep your panties on.

Feeling a bit euphoric from such a great evening, I was trying to catch up on my blogroll. I’m scrolling thru Andymatic, whom I love reading, and I come across this post about the San Diego Diocese blocking a catholic funeral because the deceased was gay and owned a gay night club. I’m not surprised at this point until I’m reading the comments and schmucko aka Mark Ness left this lovely comment.

# Mark Ness Says:
March 19th, 2005 at 3:10 pm

John died of a drug overdose, not congestive heart failure. Anyone in the ‘industry’ knows what really happened here.

While I don’t agree with the Diocese in this case, the guy got what was coming.

Of course, he didn’t leave an email or web address. I can only surmise because his balls are about the size of snow peas but I digress.

Let me first say, anyone who knows me, knows I have zero tolerance for drug use. I can honestly say I’ve never even smoked a joint and I have no desire too. I make no secret about the fact that I have zero respect for people who use drugs. I also have the greatest respect for people who realize the destructiveness of what their doing and clean up their act. Point made? Having no respect for someone in no way translates into saying I think they deserve to die. I’ve only wished death on one person in my life and I’m sure the very few of you who have been with me since the beginning of my blog can guess who.

I can’t help but be reminded of the Lord of the Rings. I know its a cheesy reference but I find the statement very relevant here. The quote goes almost like this

“..many live that deserve to die. Many die that deserve to live. Do you have the power to give the latter their life back?”

So my point to you Mr. Goody-two-shoes, is don’t be so quick to deal out such harsh judgment to people, gay or straight. The same comments have been made about gays and PWA’s too often for my liking. By making this horrible statement, you sink to the level of the very hate-mongers we oppose.

Enough said? Good, moving on….

I Still Got It!

I can report the date w/TH (the hottie) went great. I had a busy day so I was a bit rushed by the time rolled around. We ended up at Catch in the Castro which is one of my favorite restaurants. He has a great sense of humor which I found very appealing. I love a guy who can let go and laugh at himself as well as the world around him. He also has this adorable little scar behind his cheekbone that I kept wanting to kiss all thru dinner. Most people wouldn’t have even noticed but I have this thing for tiny scars. It was very distracting. Add to that he was very attentive, charming, and sweet throughout the evening and I came away feeling things I haven’t felt in awhile.

I was a bit nervous at first. We had the ex talk so he knows I’m a bit “vulnerable” right now. [1]I get such a giggle thinking of myself as vulnerable but its more or less true He isn’t really trying to rush it so I soon settled into being my normal terribly incorrigible self so everything worked out great.

The only other odd thing has to do w/me. I have this completely unconscious habit of focusing a conversation on myself. I have no control over it until I notice it and then sort of try to cool it. I have no idea why I do it but I caught myself a couple times and so finally I shared it w/him. We got a nice laugh out of it and he seemed to like it. He got high marks for that. *g*


1 I get such a giggle thinking of myself as vulnerable but its more or less true