Pictures Worth A Thousand Words

I’m just home from the BCC contest. We had a whopping 6 contestants tonight. That is the most yet. Four of which made it to the finals. I got there late tonight as my schedule has gone back to normal since getting my fire training out of the way.

TH went w/me, which was very nice. I find I enjoy spending time w/him as we always seem to laugh a lot. I miss that. I took the camera w/me and snapped this pic of him and Thom who is a finalist for the contest.

Thom & The Hottie

Hopefully, I won’t fuck it up and scare him off. *crossed fingers* We did have a good laugh before hand. I wasn’t going to post this originally but you guys already know I’m screwy in the head so here goes. The other night I was feeling a bit lonely. TH had left an under shirt from his sleepover (yes, he slept over one night) and I put it over my pillow so I could sleep w/it. How pathetic is that I ask you? He seemed flattered so I guess all is not lost. I can say I didn’t wake up once that night. *g*

Anyway, back to the present. We had a nice time. All the photographers were snapping pics of us tonight so I’ll have several more pics to post later. I also ran into another friend Mark and his new crush. I snapped off a shot of them as well.

Ivan & Mark

They make a cute couple. Mark (on the right) is a great guy and he deserves someone special in his life. His last LTR ended a bit rough so I was tickled to see he has a new flame as well.

And with that, I’m off to bed.

Job Hunting?

Today is the last straw! I’m updatinig my resume and starting to look for new work. I love my job but the BS is so deep I’m getting out before I lose it.

I’m so upset at the moment, I could spit nails. W/o rehashing it at this moment, it was significant enough to make me tell a manager to go to hell right in front of everyone.

So if you know anyone who needs a exec. level assistant or project manager, drop me a line!

Work Hell

I love my job but the constant petty harassment from our management staff is taking its toll on me. I joined the Union to help reform the problem but I just don’t know if I can last that long. The constant daily petty harassment is slowly nawing away my stamina.

We are entrusted with answering emergency life and death calls on a daily basis yet somehow we can’t be trusted for anything else. Management for our building loves to try and control our social behaviors with every rule imagineable. They actively seek out people for the tiniest infraction regardless of whether said person is actually plugged in doing their job. And don’t get me wrong, we need rules to keep order and professionalism. However, when someone is doing their job, LEAVE THEM ALONE!

For anyone not in the know, I work for the Police/Fire dept under th City & County. That means I’m a civil servant. That also means I can’t be terminated by the whim of a managed. I can criticize all I want. Not to mention, if they fired me, I’d park my trailer house (or someone’s) right in front and have every news station in the 9 bay area counties broadcasting my drama on the 6:00 news.

But I’m not bitter.

Scouts Honor!

Following up on breaking ignunce in the news this week, The Head Scout is pleading guilty. Karma has a funny way of kicking ass and I just love it. The fuck is getting exactly what he deserves! (story)

Top Scout Pleads Guilty In Kid Porn Case…

…(Fort Worth, Texas) A former official of the Boy Scouts of America is facing up to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty Wednesday to charges of possession and distribution of child pornography.

…Last fall Smith wrote a letter to a legal magazine criticizing opponents of the gay ban. “Some intolerant elements in our society want to force scouting to abandon its values and to become fundamentally different,” he wrote.

…Smith who lives in Colleyville, near Fort Worth, remains free until sentencing July 12. In addition to prison time he could be fined up to $250,000.

And get this, he chose to retire. DUH! I wonder what kind of retirement plan Hunstville State Prison offers? hmmmm?

Hello world!

I’ve discovered that “Hello World” is the first term that programmers learn to recreate when learning to code. It has been driving me nuts seeing the same statement over and over again throughout the code as I’m try to learn PHP.

Here is the first official shot w/the new camera.

What a Mug?

As you can tell I got the new camera. It arrived yesterday right after I left for work. Of course, I had to take a pic of the annoying construction that woke me up at 8:30am bright and early.


You have to understand I live in a noisey area so I expect some noise. You also begin to understand why I look so hungover in the first pic. *g* I often sleep w/one ear plug in to keep the noise to a sleepable (my new word for the day) level. If you look closely, you’ll see this guy pushing a little bitty motorized thing inside the section of the street that is all torn up. That tiny insignificant little bastard was louder than a harley at full throttle!

On a good note, it is a beautiful day here in the city! The sun is out and it is a balmy 64 degrees out. So trying to make the best of it, I trudged off to the gym. I managed to strain a muscle in my back. (or is it the side?) You know the muscles that line the side of your abdomen on both sides, that one but closer to the shoulder. OY! it hurt. Don’t EVEN ask me how I managed to do that when I was working my chest today. I still managed a decent workout so all was not lost.

Changing topics, you’ll notice the shoutbox has moved up the sidebar. I was given strict orders by Tim to move it closer up as he just hates scrolling down for it and also fears his comments aren’t being viewed properly. God forbid the huzzy should get her own blog. Noooo, he is too busy running mine. (and you know it is only w/love that I say these things Tim)


OH I just love a good scandal. Especially, when it involves a hypocrite. Thanks to Towleroad for posting this lovely article about the Boy Scouts head scout. (pun intended)

DALLAS, Texas – The national director of programs for the Boy Scouts of America has been charged with receiving and distributing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney’s office here told NBC News on Tuesday.

Douglas S. Smith Jr. was charged with one felony count of having photos that show “minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct.”

This just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside. *G*

Evil Smokers

**If you are a smoker, you probably shouldn’t read this post as I’m sure to offend w/my comments below.**

That said, I absolutely detest cigarettes and everything that comes w/that. I grew up in a house w/both parents smoking. Lucky for me, I never picked up the nasty habit. So for those of you who do smoke and you went ahead and read this against my advice, I have just a few suggestions for ya.

1) No one thinks it is cool that you can talk w/your cigarette in your mouth.
2) The next time you wonder “whats wrong w/me?” Its not you, its the cigs.
3) No, it is not polite to stand in a crowd and just spew nasty smoke into the air.
4) What is the point of going outside if you stand in front of the door & let the smoke blow right back into the building?
5) No, I’m not moving away from you because you’re ugly, you stink.
6) No, I don’t have a light. Not everyone has such a disgusting habit.

I’m leaving the Castro today and I’m standing on the corner waiting for the light. Idiot Smoker walks up and stands just in front of me and then blows out a huge lung full of smoke, which of course, blows right into my face. I let him have it! Needless to say, I didn’t make a new fan. Nasty, filthy, disgusting habit. I think I’d rather have my head set on fire and put out w/a sledge hammer than smoke a cigarette. blech!

Offended? Well, I told you not to read.

Riddle Me This…

I discovered last week one of my blog links is dead. However, I’ve left it up in the hope that the author is just in some sort of switch over and will be back up and running soon. If you are like me and blog bounce, yes I know the link isn’t working.

I had a surprise date w/TH last night. His family weekend went over ok but apparently there was some friction which was very disappointing for him. I felt awful because I knew how much he wanted this weekend to go perfect. He sounded so distraught on the first message he left me on Saturday that I actually teared up a bit. Family problems are a sensitive spot for me I guess. Mine was so horrible I get overly emotional when I hear people going thru such unnecessary stupidity over being gay. I don’t think he’d appreciate me going into the specifics so that’s enough about that.

I did my best to distract him from it. We had a movie night and watched Auntie Mame. I just knew that would cheer him up. Plus, I told him he couldn’t carry his gay card anymore until he’d seen it. I mean NO gay man should grow up w/o watching The Grand Mamie! He loved it of course. We laughed our butts off. I felt like mission accomplished.

Before the date, I spent a chunk of the evening hanging out in the Castro w/buddy Tim and Norm Norm is one of the photographers for The Powerhouse and he also does a lot of the shots for the BCC as well. We ran into each other and started talking shop about laptops, pics, etc and then Tim came along and joined us. Tim proceeded to regale us w/tales of being cornered by a troll at the bar and wanted to know if the way he handled it was respectful/appropriate. Let’s just say he was WAY nicer than I would have been. I use the term “troll” to refer to people, regardless of their age, who force themselves on you and use your own good manners against you to further insinuate themselves into your personal space. There are other more derogatory uses but I don’t think I need to elaborate. I wonder if Webster has the updated definition of the word. *mental note – email Webster crew w/details and proper usage*

Not much else to ramble about I’m afraid. Give it time, I’m sure something will inspire me.

Random Tidbits

Lets see, not much to report today. Mostly random crap that I feel worth mentioning.

First, Republic of T had a great post regarding the Shiavo case and the Democrats total lack of a voice during the whole process. While I’m normally of the mindset that the “christian-not-right” drive more people to my side than against with all their madness, it would be nice if more than a few Dems. would grow a spine and voice an opinion once and awhile. As I’m writing this, I am thinking originally the Democrats probably thought it was a non-issue and the fact that the republicans latched onto it w/such fervor caught them completely by surprise. As a result, the Dems. are caught w/their jaw open staring in total disbelief at the sheer ignorance of the republican party. Well, thats my hope anyway.

The BCC contest this past Thursday went well. We got 3 more really good contestants. *I’ll have photos of the contest posted by Sunday on the BCC site. There are two more preliminaries to go before the finals so any of you locals who are having thoughts of making a go of it, get off your duff and get down to The Powerhouse next Thursday. You can even download an application to compete here.

TH’s family is in town for the weekend so I won’t get any solo time w/him until at least Monday. I know it is selfish to want him all to myself but at least someone I know has good family ties.

roblog is doing a bit better in his drama as of late. I’m very happy to hear that. I’m trying to squeeze in another lunch in w/him so we can catch up.

I think I discovered a way to create a static html/php page using a plugin I found for WordPress. WTF you say? Static just means its one page instead of several. It would make it much easier for me to copy/past code into the layout of the new template. Thats is kind of low priority right now but I promise I’ll eventually get to it.

I’ve been hitting the gym sporadically but I’m almost back into my normal routine. I’ve lost some strength all over but not as much as I had feared. I got a nice pump today from my chest workout and that put me in a good mood. *G* The eye candy today was better than usual as well.

I was released on the fire side at work which means I can work solo over there now. *We are in the process of taking over dispatching from the Fire Dept.* The down side to that means I’ll be back on the PD side Monday and no more getting off early.

I think thats about it. No deep thoughts today. Just sort in the moment.