Monday – Blech

I hate Monday’s. Especially after having such a great weekend. However, Monday has arrived and with it comes responsibility. blech!

I did manage to drag my lazy carcass into the gym only to remember halfway thru it I had a Union meeting today and was late. So mid work out (triceps) I had to break and head to work. The meeting went well w/the exception of one Supervisor who only focuses on his needs. Naturally, he is applying to fill the empty managers position. *but I’m not bitter*

Work was uneventful today. Boring if such a thing were possible.

The feeling of enjoyment from the weekend is still w/me. Which is odd as work usually zaps it right out of me. I just had such a relaxing weekend goofing and blogging w/mostovic that I’m in glow mode. *giggle* Norm snapped this shot of us blogging together in the Castro.

Mostovic & Moby Blogging

Great Pic, thanks N!

Cheap Self Plug

Ok, because I know you just love photos, I’m posting these for all of you. It has nothing w/me wanting to show off. Really, I swear. lolol

TH and I had a sleepover and this is our morning after photo.

The Morning After

The photographers for the BCC have gone hog wild taking pics of TH and myself at the prelims. So, of course, I just have to post them.

This one is my favorite. We both came out looking good.

Aren't we cute?

This is my second favorite. This was after the contest was over.


Sick to your stomach yet? lol I have more but I’ll spare you.

I did manage to snag a shot of some friends we ran into at Squat & Gobble. I haven’t seen Tim & Dennis since the breakup so it was good to catch up and chat.

Tim & Dennis

Infectious Blogging…

Well, it has happened folks. The hottie being so intrigued by my blogging has decided to join the fray. You can now read his ramblings at He is very much the novice so hang in there as he moves in and gets settled. I think he is of the mind to blog w/a purpose instead of the rambling style I employ. Feel free to stop by and say hi!

Awkward Moment & Another Chapter Closes


I just met the ex’s new beau for the first time! I’m tempted to insert something caddy here but what would be the point. I’m loathe to admit it but he seemed like a nice guy. Personable and friendly. I could tell they were a bit nervous but I guess that was expected under the circumstances. That said, I find I harbor no resentments toward him. He had nothing to do w/the breakup so no sense projecting my issues onto him. (Well, none that I am aware of anyway) The ex seems to be happy w/him so no need for me to pass judgement. If it works, good for him. If not….well, I’ve been true to my own principles thru the whole ordeal so my conscience clear.

I was a bit surprised at myself. I thought I might be upset or annoyed at meeting him. Neither of which happened. I’ll admit, I had a quick pang of jealousy but then I remembered everything that happened thru the break up and since and that disappeared in a flash. The truth is, as painful as the breakup was for me, I think it was for the best. Knowing all the things I know now I guess I have a better perspective of it. As for the ex and his new beau, I wish them all the best.

karma-1 / bitch-0

*forest gump voice* “…and dats all I have to say about dat”

TGIF and Random Bits

Last night was the final preliminary for the BCC. I got there late as I had to work but TH picked me up and we got there just in time to catch contestant #3 of the 5 total. (I usually have their site updated by Sunday)

I snapped off a shot of Thom & Joey, two of the finalists.

Thom & Joey

Now don’t you wish you had gone? *g*

I also managed to snap a lap shot of Th and I. Neither of us liked this shot as it distorts our faces. Oh well, you can’t always have good lighting right?. Instead of looking high, I look like I have a fat head in this one. Speaking of the hottie, we are fast becoming close friends. Now whether that will develop into something more is unknown at this point. We just like spending time w/each other. I have to admit, it is nice to snuggle up next to him when we are out. My ex abhorred any sort of personal affection in public. TH on the otherhand seems to enjoy it as much as I. wahoo!

Mark & Moby

Oh TGIF btw. It has been a decent week w/o the drama queen here. Other than my one rough call things have been nice. The big issue now is our local union chapter is ramping up for a big fight against the city for our raise. The city tripled our duties 2 years ago w/o any sort of raise and we have reached our limit w/that. Things are about to get radical if we don’t see some results soon.

Speaking of the ex, we are scheduled to get together on Sunday and swap out some furniture. We still have some loose ends together. From all the little tattletales who feel the incessant need to give me updates on his life, he seems to be doing fine. I don’t know why they feel the need to run back to me. The ex and I talk often enough I know he is doing ok, I don’t need anyone’s input over it. *hint hint*

Not much else for now. Maybe later I can blather on about something.


Well, I found a template that I’m semi happy with until I finish my own. I like the color and lines of this one much more.


**Update** The links were missing but I’ve added them back. I guess the template left out the links.

Code Name – Crap!

Well, the good news is I’ve been working on the template for my site. The bad news, I’m no closer today than I was yesterday. I’ve come to the painful realization that php code doesn’t run like html. You can’t run it in snippets like html. There always has to be a reference line ‘from’ and ‘to’ so the rendering engine knows what to do next.

The code can be extremely simple in places and then overly complex in others. I think if I don’t have some sort of brainstorm soon, I’ll abandon WordPress for something simpler. WordPress itself is simple to use and maintain however, I hate the bland templates that come w/it.

My host offers a seperate databasing program w/my package and I think it would be simpler for me to just create a database w/my own custom fields from scratch.


I had an incredibly hard call at work today. The type of call that reminds me how brutal we can be as a species. If you know me, you know I am an optimistic person. Always have been. I live to see the best in people. It is calls like today’s that shake my faith in that belief.

219 is our code for stabbing victim. A woman called telling me her boyfriend had a psychotic break and stabbed her. What I didn’t know is that he had stabbed her 5 times in the chest and side. I normally don’t take calls very hard as I have a pretty thick skin. Being in the biz, you develop a knack for shrugging it off as a defense mechanism.

That said, there is a time between sending the help and when the help arrives that you are left in a sort of limbo zone. This zone can be a few seconds or up to a minute depending on what else is going on. It is in these moments when the helplessness overwhelms you…knowing help is on the way and powerless to do anything until they arrive. Moments when the caller on the line lays all their hopes on you to save their life.

Today was such a call. This woman was crying out to me to not let her die. I stayed calm and did my best to keep her calm and reassure her help was on the way. She was brave under the circumstances, remained relatively calm, and stayed w/me the whole time. The entire call lasted 10 minutes but that 10 minutes was like 10 hours. Then to hear the police struggle w/her deranged boyfriend in the background only aggrevated a very intense situation.

No matter how hardened I get from taking these types of calls, I find I can’t shut all the emotions out. I’ll probably nevery hear from her again. But, I don’t need to. I can sleep good tonight knowing I did the best I could w/o fail. If she dies, my conscience remains clear.

Cartman Meets His Match

I couldn’t help myself. I was blogrolling and discovered are you effin’ kidding me who had a link to the create your own SouthPark character website.

Ladies and Gentleman, hobo’s and tramps, crossed-eyed mosquitos and bow-legged ants. I present to you the newest South Park character:

Wilton Mobius Nelson III (meaning I made three attempts before I got one I liked)

aka Mober


His purpose: Protect Kenny
His superpower: Can blow the balls off any mofo who gets in his way
His anathema: Ignunce