Last night was the final preliminary for the BCC. I got there late as I had to work but TH picked me up and we got there just in time to catch contestant #3 of the 5 total. (I usually have their site updated by Sunday)
I snapped off a shot of Thom & Joey, two of the finalists.

Now don’t you wish you had gone? *g*
I also managed to snap a lap shot of Th and I. Neither of us liked this shot as it distorts our faces. Oh well, you can’t always have good lighting right?. Instead of looking high, I look like I have a fat head in this one. Speaking of the hottie, we are fast becoming close friends. Now whether that will develop into something more is unknown at this point. We just like spending time w/each other. I have to admit, it is nice to snuggle up next to him when we are out. My ex abhorred any sort of personal affection in public. TH on the otherhand seems to enjoy it as much as I. wahoo!

Oh TGIF btw. It has been a decent week w/o the drama queen here. Other than my one rough call things have been nice. The big issue now is our local union chapter is ramping up for a big fight against the city for our raise. The city tripled our duties 2 years ago w/o any sort of raise and we have reached our limit w/that. Things are about to get radical if we don’t see some results soon.
Speaking of the ex, we are scheduled to get together on Sunday and swap out some furniture. We still have some loose ends together. From all the little tattletales who feel the incessant need to give me updates on his life, he seems to be doing fine. I don’t know why they feel the need to run back to me. The ex and I talk often enough I know he is doing ok, I don’t need anyone’s input over it. *hint hint*
Not much else for now. Maybe later I can blather on about something.