Him’s, Her’s and What’s its!

I just got off the phone w/Bobby. It reminded me of something I’ve been noticing lately. Before I get ahead of myself, I’ve known Bobby for almost 12 years now. We met when I was still in my early 20’s and still very much in the flux of discovering who I was as a gay male. Bobby actually moved to Cali several years before me. So now back to the topic. I’ve noticed that when Bobby and I talk or hang out, I unconsciously revert to what I refer to is ‘gurl talk’. Meaning I switch my him’s to her’s and my dude to missy. And not because Bobby is fem or nelly. If anything he is just the opposite. However, he does the same thing w/me.

I think I’m not being very clear. I’m referring to mental associations that we develop w/people throughout our lives. I use Bobby only because he his a longtime friend who lives here and we see each other often enough for me to take notice. In my early 20’s, I used my gayness as an escape from all the pains of my past (links from old blogger profile). You could say I came out w/a vengeance. I burst onto the gay scene and while I was not overly nelly by nature, I learned put on all the mannerisms of the stereotype like one would put on a shirt. It was like my battle armor in a sense. Well, after years of wearing it, it sorta begin to fit like skin. A few years later, it dawned on me I didn’t need to be the flaming queen of the universe to be gay. With the dawning of reason, I promptly dismantled this shell I’d built myself.

So these days, I find that anytime I interact w/friends that I met during that era of my life, I unconsciously fall back into my old mannerisms. And the habit only surfaces it w/old friends. I don’t really have the scientific answer but I just find it amusing how it works out.

Critical Mess

For my readers who aren’t local, critical mass or critical mess as we call it, is a monthly gathering of cyclists from all over the bay area to ride the streets of SF. It is held the last Friday of every month and varies from 1 to 5 thousand cyclists. The event started some years ago over problems w/vehicle/cyclist roadrage incidents. Or more correctly, it started over the refusal of motorists to share the roadways of SF w/cyclists.

I am a regular cyclist and am a firm believer in the original ideal. However, the event itself has turned into a chaotic disgusting excuse for hoodlums and radicals to wreck havoc on anyone in a gas-powered vehicle. And the calls run the gambit from simple harrassment to all out assaults on any readily available person in a vehicle.

My question is, what purpose does this serve? Vehicles aren’t going away. And this attitude certainly doesn’t foster any sort of cohabitation of the roadway. I mean clogging up traffic is fine in my opinion but attacking people’s vehicles just because? Standing in front of an ambulance trying to get to someone in need? Come on, that’s childish at best. I’ve heard the argument that “they [motorists] deserve it for all the years cyclists had to be leary of cars.” Well last time I checked, two wrongs don’t make a right. Instead of protesting peacefully and making a powerful point, you get a bunch of juvenile wanna-be’s acting out like petulant children. Grow up already.

Another Body For The Grinder

My trainee got released today. She has been doing exceptionally well this week. She had several good emergencies and handled all w/only minor assists from me. Wahoo!

Of course, the bad news is my extra hour of overtime everyday stops. Not a bad trade off.

The Slut Returns

I had an “online hookup” the other day. I’m sure you could care less it’s just that I so rarely do it anymore due to all the games, flakes, and lies you have to put up w/in the process. I’ll never understand why fags need to lie about themselves online. It’s not like I won’t discover the truth when they show up. Duh! It must work because most of’em keep right on doing it. I, on the other hand, have no problem slamming the door in their face. Anyway, I’m digressing.

I was feeling the ‘need’, logged onto Manhunt in the vain hope of finding someone I’d already done the deed with. No luck. Then, right before I log off, I got a message from a guy I’d played message tag w/a few times. I asked if he was free, he said yes, and showed up promptly 30 minutes later. For a change he was better looking than his pics. We had a good time and he was everything he said he was. See! It is just like ordering pizza but only tastier.

Back to reality, I guess I got lucky. So the ‘need’ is satiated for the moment, back to Tivo!

Lunch Blog

I just had lunch w/roblog.

The more I get to know Rob the more I like him. Handsome, kind, compassionate, hard-working, considerate… need I go on? Fuad is indeed a lucky man. (Fuad is is equally handsome husband). So we met at Chow and had a good lunch just gabbing and catching up. While there, Fuad actually came in w/his lunch buddy. (I gathered Chow was his favorite hangout)

Not much else to report at the moment. I’m off to work. Tonight is the finals for the BCC so I’m sure I’m headed to that afterwork w/Tim and Mostovic.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

*I’m only posting this after being coerced by kristaki*

I locked myself out of my apartment the other night. I had a doc’s appointment that ran late. In all the rush getting home, I ran out without my keys. I didn’t even notice until I got home and tried to get in. Luckily enough, I live in a high rise building w/24 hour security. (Well they are more like door stops w/hair but thats another story). So anyway, Joe Schmoe graciously offers to let me in for the customary $50.00 fee. *trying to remember my karma here I kept my mouth shut*

Well, things never seem to go simple for me so this night was no exception. We get into the office and discover they’ve installed a new lockbox system. Joe Schmoe has no idea how to work it so I end up fiddling w/it till I figure it out. We finally get the key and head on up. *dramatic pause………* The key doesn’t work. On the way down, we discover Joe locked HIS keys in the office and has in effect locked himself out as well. Numerous phone calls later w/no results, I end up picking the lock myself w/a key set and a plastic bank card. Course, goofus had to wait till the next morning to get back into the office.

Marry Me?

This past Sunday I got a chance to watch the first showing of “Pursuit of Equality“. Made here in SF, the film documents the controversy of Mayor Newsom allowing SSC’s (same sex couples) to marry this past year. It has not been released yet as the producers have yet to find a distributor. Anyway, 5 minutes into the film, I’m bawling my eyes out. The sheer joy on the faces of the couples gathered at City Hall that day were just overwhelming. Watching the first lesbian couple, who have been together 52 years, exchange their vows in the Mayors office was a truly historic event.

I urge you to see it is picked up. I’m sure it will be part of the film festivals around the country. Spend the bucks and see it!

Back in the Saddle

Ok, Ok, I’m sorry. I haven’t been blogging much lately. I’ve just been busy w/life. Not changing the world busy just mundane busy. I haven’t had a chance to keep up w/my blogroll either. Blame it on my social life I guess. Anyway, I’m back for now.

So much to write and so little time at the moment. I’m at work and speaking of work things are slowing down to a nice dull roar. My trainee is doing fine and definitely gonna make it. I’ve been spending alot of my normal down time training her. Another reason, my blogging has suffered as of late. Anyway, work is ok for now. Said manager who normally drives me nuts has been leaving me alone lately. *crossed fingers*

Social life has been a blur of activity lately. Not that I’m complaining mind you. I’ve just been on the go for the last couple of weekends. I’ll write more from home

Shoutbox II

Well, looks like the shoutbox might be back soon. For now, it is read only. I checked the homepage today and the owner has moved to a new host w/better bandwidth. No exact dates yet but I’m assuming sometime this week. If it is not working by then, I’ll probably switch. I’ve looked at others and I still really like this one so I’m hoping I can stay w/this one.

Micro Bigot XP

Just in time for 2006 Micro Bigot XP!
Credit goes to Pam’s House Blend for the artwork and to Ameriblog for the link

Haven’t you heard? Microsoft has done away w/its new operating system Longhorn for a much more ‘christian-friendly’ version dubbed Microbigot XP. Don’t worry fellow ‘mo’s. It is only on-sale to ‘god-fearing-bible-thumping-wackos’. No more updates, no more viruses ever. Why? Well, since it is based on good wholesome ‘family values’ there won’t be any need. Besides, who needs a virus protection program when Jehovah is on your side? You can just open up your bank account and “tithe” accordingly and remain virus free.

All I have to say is FUCK YOU Microshit! They actually think that this shitstorm is gonna blow over if they pretend like it was all a ‘misunderstanding’. Riiiiiiiiiight!

In case you are completely clueless as to what I’m talking about, check out Ameriblog on the scandal. The short version: Billy & CO originally endorsed the bill to end discrimination against gays/lesbians and then lo and behold after a meeting w/ONE christian fanatic and being threatened w/a boycott, Microsoft suddenly never meant to endorse the bill. They are only neutral. *This neutrality effectively killed the bill* Then the “official” excuse by CEO Steve Palmer was down right insulting in its blatant disregard for the facts, past and present. The real pisser is he actually never thought it would go public and make a big deal. Of course, now the more they try and rationalize it away the bigger it is going to get. lol

I guess we aren’t the only ones w/an ‘agenda’.