Lately, I’ve become sort of a computer guru for my co-workers. A lot of the women I work with use computers to work all day long. That said, most of them have little if any real computer skills beyond typing. It has become common knowledge that I’m good w/’fixing’ computers so I’m developing quite the side job.
I feel almost guilty taking money as most of the problems are just viral, spyware, and poor software maintenance. Which in themselves are usually easy to remove w/a couple of good programs. (Not always but usually). And while it may be an easy thing to do it can be very time consuming. And lets face it, not many people are willing to spend the time it takes cleaning out an infested computer. Especially, when their computer skills aren’t that great to start off with. I was telling another buddy at work this and he said I should charge more. I probably should. I mean I am spending my own time fixing their screw ups.
I’ve always had an affinity for gadgets and computers. It just comes easy for me. I’ve thought about getting into the IT field but there are already so many out of work IT people here it is not funny. (flashback a few years ago, the dot com bubble burst and all of these flashy companies went bust) A few years have passed and a huge chunk of the unemployed geeks have left for greener, less flashy pastures. So now I’m thinking I might get back into it. Of ocurse, w/no actual official certification titles that is gonna be a hard row to hoe. Getting a job w/the city isn’t very likely. My current dept. is one of the few city departments still allowed to bring on new hires. I’d rather leave city employment anyway. The benefits are good but the bureaucractic headaches just aren’t worth it.
For now, I’m content w/my little side job. I get cold hard cash and practice.