Moby Dates

I’ve been experimenting w/online calendars lately. The ones that come w/Wordpress themes seem to only list blog entries. Outlook doesn’t offer any sort of online version unless you are using an exchange server. Kinda overkill for just one person.

I was about to give up until I remembered Mozilla had come out w/a calendar program, Sunbird. As luck would have it, they based in on the internet’s iCal standard so I am able to update my calendar on my laptop and have it instantly published to the web. Wahoo! A couple of cons though. The major one, I can’t host it on my own domain. It has to be done via the ical servers. Well, thats the case for now anyway. I may discover a way eventually. I know you are just dying to see it right? Well, click on the “calendar” link in my Useful Bits section. What a glamorous life I live eh?

My ultimate goal is to have everything on my domain. Contacts, schedules, blog, files, etc. What better way to be truly mobile? Anywhere I have computer/internet access, I’ll have access to all my info or files. It also make shopping for laptops easy. I won’t need huge storage, just good processing power.

See! Moby does think ahead occasionally.

Third floor Lingerie!

I keep having this reoccuring dream. Last night was the third time in a year. I always seem to be working in a high rise building and any time I take an elevator, the elevator seems to be hellishly out of control. Forgetting for a moment that I always seem to be a childish CEO in the dream, I’ve never been afraid of elevators. In my dream, I’m not even falling. It is more like the elevator is loosely attached to its cables and it goes sideways as well as up and down. I always end up ok in the dream but I find it odd that I’ve had the same dream several times now.

There was an earthquake last night. I wonder if that has something do with it. A small earthquake mind you. But not being from here, it always seems to wake me up. I can’t remember if there was one last time I had the dream. However, I’ll make note for next time. Maybe my subconscious is tying the effects of an earthquake to the shaking of an elevator, who knows.

Latte Covered Jeans

I bought a new bag for my laptop today. My old gap bag is beginning to wear thin and I wanted something w/padding. I wanted something big enough for my 17″ notebook but sleek enough to not look like I’m going hiking for a week. Well, not being able to find exactly what I wanted, I compromised. I ended up buying a soft cover for the laptop and buying a traditional backpack to put it in.

So then, I managed to knock over a guys coffee w/it. Most of his drink went down my pants leg however, a sizeable amount splattered all over his clipboard full of papers. God, I felt like such a klutz. I apologized profusely and bought him a new latte but I still felt just awful. He was very gracious about it but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I can be such an absent-minded Cletus at times.


I think I’m in burnout mode. I’ve been so busy this past week, I didn’t plan anything w/anyone this weekend. No friends, no Mostovic (he was busy anyway), no one. I had hoped to just hang out and socialize today but the weather changed and its all rainy & muggy. So much for that idea. My schedule next week is shaping up to be even worse. Not only do I have several labor meetings planned at work, I’ve taken on my next to last trainee in remedial for a week.

She was not doing so well at the end of her rotations. I pleaded her case and they’ve given her to me for one week. My goal is to raise her competency level enough to warrant continued remedial training. Otherwise, she gets the boot. It is sorta her own fault. She waited too long before complaining that she’d had problems w/her previous trainers. I think she was hoping to sit w/me on her own time but I had my own trainee to work with. So, in an effort to get her up to speed, I’ve agreed to give up an hour out of my own time every day before work and drill her on problem areas. No pressure right?

Drama Mamma

Well, I originally planned to go across the bay today and lay out. However, due to an unexpected overhaul of the BCC website, that didn’t happen. Instead, I’m here at Le Bon Gateaux typing my little fingers to the bone. I’ve been at it almost 3 hours now and I’m almost done. Arrrrrrgggh!

The committee chairman decided to change the logo for the entire domain. There are 45 separate pages to update! Not to metion, the other 40 or so that haven’t been posted yet. I knew I should have made the pages dynamic instead of static. Of course, that would have meant a helluva lot more work to setup. Without some sort of compensation, that was just too much to tackle. So now I’m stuck playing tedious Tom. To be honest, I don’t like the new logo much. However, it is not my site so I put what they tell me.

Shameka Strikes Back!


Shameka aka Bobby at le bon Gateaux during one of our Sunday blog sessions. She dun gone crazy!

Meanwhile, back in the real world, my week is slowly coming to an end. Saturday I’m going to a union rally during the day at Mission High School here in the city. This is a big deal for us as it is an ‘open meeting’ which is just a fancy way of saying everyone from the union is asked to attend if they can. The city is sure to have their bean counters out in force to see how many folks turn out. They use this to judge how motivated the local membership is.

Sunday, I’m hoping to get down the the Eagle for the beer bust. Not for the liquor mind you as I detest the taste of beer. I just like to socialize and its been months since I’ve had a chance to go.

Gym Tips II

So here is one more small tip I have for the gym novices out there. Ok, well not even for novices. This is for anyone who goes to the gym.

Puh-lease! for the love of toast, spare the cologne when you are planning on working out. If you wanna do your fellow gym bunnies a favor, invest in a strong acting, light smelling anti-persperant and forgo the cologne.

Picture courtesy of Steamworks Online
*no this isn’t him but I thought it was a nice pic*

Today, I’m working out and this rather attractive fellow comes up next to me and starts his Jane Fonda routine. Meaning he was working AT working out, not really making a real effort. I normally could care less but every time he lifted his arms I got a blast of his overpowering cologne. I kept my tongue as I was almost done anyway. Afterwards, I couldn’t wait to blog about it. If you are that worried about stink, take a freaking shower before you work out.

Hack This

Lately, I’ve become sort of a computer guru for my co-workers. A lot of the women I work with use computers to work all day long. That said, most of them have little if any real computer skills beyond typing. It has become common knowledge that I’m good w/’fixing’ computers so I’m developing quite the side job.

I feel almost guilty taking money as most of the problems are just viral, spyware, and poor software maintenance. Which in themselves are usually easy to remove w/a couple of good programs. (Not always but usually). And while it may be an easy thing to do it can be very time consuming. And lets face it, not many people are willing to spend the time it takes cleaning out an infested computer. Especially, when their computer skills aren’t that great to start off with. I was telling another buddy at work this and he said I should charge more. I probably should. I mean I am spending my own time fixing their screw ups.

I’ve always had an affinity for gadgets and computers. It just comes easy for me. I’ve thought about getting into the IT field but there are already so many out of work IT people here it is not funny. (flashback a few years ago, the dot com bubble burst and all of these flashy companies went bust) A few years have passed and a huge chunk of the unemployed geeks have left for greener, less flashy pastures. So now I’m thinking I might get back into it. Of ocurse, w/no actual official certification titles that is gonna be a hard row to hoe. Getting a job w/the city isn’t very likely. My current dept. is one of the few city departments still allowed to bring on new hires. I’d rather leave city employment anyway. The benefits are good but the bureaucractic headaches just aren’t worth it.

For now, I’m content w/my little side job. I get cold hard cash and practice.

Blog Problems

I just discovered my blog had some sort of error. I posted the previous post on Saturday. Somehow, it got changed to December 31st 1969. After several attempts to change it back w/no luck I just deleted it and reposted.