Mark was in the city early signing divorce papers and decided to come by. The joy of my morning was spent watching the Southpark movie.
Here is Mark in relax mode.
Mark was in the city early signing divorce papers and decided to come by. The joy of my morning was spent watching the Southpark movie.
Here is Mark in relax mode.
I bought a George Foreman Grill yesterday from
I currently use a grill plate on top of an electric stove. It tends to reek havoc while cooking as I never seem to get the ends the same temp. (The burners are different sizes)
I’ll let you know how it turns out. Everyone I’ve talked to who has one, loves it.
I’ve been developing a list of blog rules. After seeing some of the pissing fights on several blogs lately, I thought I’d post it. I tried to keep it short and sweet.
1) It is your blog, you blog about whatever makes you happy.
2) Never link to an article requiring registration/fee w/o providing a warning or log in info
3) Be respectful when posting a comment even if you disagree.
4) If you link to someone don’t expect a return link just because.
5) If you don’t want constructive criticism, don’t ask for it.
6) At least pretend you know how to create paragraphs.
I’m sure I have more but that is all I can think of at the moment.
Well, the weekend was blissfully uneventful. After a hard week, it was more than welcome. Saturday was spent hanging out w/Bobby. We took in a flick, House of Wax. You can definitely wait for DVD on this one. It had a decent plot but the movie dragged along until the end. There were some good scary scenes toward the end.
Sunday, I met up w/Mostovic and we hung out at the Eagle. The weather was kinda overcast so it wasn’t overly crowded for a change. It was so nice just to hang out and socialize. A group of the BCC boys were there as well.
Afterwards, Mostovic and I had dinner in the Castro. Not too bad of a weekend if you ask me.
On a side note, I got an email from the ex this morning. Apparently, someone cut the convertable top on his car over the weekend. He needed help getting a police report filed. The irony is back when we were together, our place was sort of on the outskirts of a bad neighborhood. His vehicle was never once broken into. Now, he lives in a sorta well-to-do spot in the city and his soft top gets sliced. I would have been just as upset so I tried to help the best I could. As luck would have it, he got a report pretty quickly and his insurance is on top of it.
This week, while not as busy, is going to be interesting. I have a new trainee tomorrow. I have no idea of her skills so time will tell. More importantly. the city is also submitting a proposal to our Union on Wednesday in regards to our raise. (Our job duties were doubled almost tripled two years ago. This is to address that) As a union officer, I will have first hand knowledge Wed. night. I’m hoping they come up w/a good offer so we don’t have to bicker back and forth about it. Keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed.
I’ve been tinkering w/some of the freebies that come w/my hosting package. I had originally planned to swap out the shoutbox for one of my own but, the one provided is very limited in its scope. The biggest issue being I can’t resize it which made putting in my sidebar impossible.
I did however add a local weather and tech news section. I’ll confess mainly because I’m lazy and hate logging into every day. This way I can just log into the domain and voila!
I’m just full of cool stuff this week.
I’ve been catching up on my blogrolling and I stumbled across Dunner’s posts on gays and public sex. On his first rant, I think he sorta failed to explain himself. I guess after a spirited debate he decided to clarify his positon. On his second rant, he is much more to the point. That said, I still think he is missing the bigger picture.
First off, I have a lot of respect for Dunner and he is one of my favorite reads. I often find his rants to be very insightful and fair minded. I’m usually in agreement w/him on most topics. I think he is more articulate than I am which only serves to increase my interest. That said, I do find at times, like today, our opinions differ. I think it has a lot to do w/age. Granted at 34, I’m only 10 years his senior. But 1o years on the hard side of life can be a good teacher. From what I’ve read of Dunner, his life, while not w/o tribulations, has been blissful by my own standards. If anything, I’ve learned that when it comes to life and society, there is never an easy answer or quick fix as it were.
In a nutshell, Dunner states that if we ever expect society as a whole to accept us then we have to curtail our promiscuity in public.
It’s the same reason why we need to expose hypocrites like Jim West, politicians who spit antigay rhetoric and then expect pity when they own up to their homosexual behavior. If we create a society where it’s clear that gay relationships and gay sexuality are to be as respected as their straight counterparts, life will be easier for all homosexuals, and true equality will be found. But if we’re to expect to gain equal respect for gay sexuality, we gotta cut out the tomfoolery in the public steam room and instead find healthy ways to express it.
As I see it, that is sorta putting the horse before the wagon. If we are still battling for the right to even get married, how can we expect to “find healthy ways to express it.” Our over zealous need for sexual release stems from our constant repression. So from my perspective, we have to fix the problem itself before we can work on fixin the symptoms it has created.
Pop on over and have a read if you haven’t already. Andymatic also weighs in on the subject. What say you?
Well, the week is finally coming to an end soon. Thank god! I’m so ready for a weekend of nothing but relaxing. Well, with the exception of chores. I’ve been neglecting all week so some time will have to be spent catching up on that crap. I’ve been slowly trying to catch up on my blogrolling but I’m only halfway there. It is amazing how much you miss. Yowsers!
As bad as it has been, I’m feeling for roblog. Seems like things are reaching the limit on his side of things. I’m keeping my fingers crossed things settle down soon for him.
I’m having lunch w/Mostovic tomorrow. I haven’t seen him in weeks except in passing. It seems sorta busy for everyone right now.
I could write a whole chapter about work but I don’t feel like it. We can save it and crack it open later when I’m desperate for a topic.
I had to have a meeting w/my trainee today. After just two days of hard core training, it has become obvious that she isn’t going to make it. After a very painful session of crying, we moved beyond it and tried to give her other options.
This is one part of my job I detest. More later when I’m in a better mood.
I am so tuckered out. It is only Tuesday and I’m already dead tired. Between gym, work, union meetings, charities, and training I’m beat. I can’t wait for the weekend so I can do absolutely nothing!