My weekend is fast coming to an end. After getting in touch w/my inner slut last night, I spent most of the day today getting errands done and goofing off.
As you can tell, I did manage to get some work done on the blog. I think I got most of the bugs out of the template. Now, I just need to remold the old pages. The biggest challenge will be getting the blog folded into the template.
I did manage to snap off a couple of new pics. I manged to catch Mostovic focused on his work.

He came down to the Castro to meet me. Our schedules have been going in opposite directions as of late. It was good to catch up w/him. Even if it was short lived.
And here is Bobby posing under the posies. (not really posies but it sounded good!)

Again, looking so angelic. I need to get one w/an infrared lens so I can catch his horns showing.
I snagged a new one for the photo log on the right as well. Looking completely nuts as usual.