Ups & Downs

Two updates today. Got some bad news from a friend back home. He hates blogging so I’ll be skipping the details. It is serious enough I may fly home. I also found out an old friend is coming to visit from Chicago.

I’m sad and happy all at the same time. Kind of an odd sensation. I wonder if this is how woman feel during “the time”.

Weekend Wanderings III

My weekend is fast coming to an end. After getting in touch w/my inner slut last night, I spent most of the day today getting errands done and goofing off.

As you can tell, I did manage to get some work done on the blog. I think I got most of the bugs out of the template. Now, I just need to remold the old pages. The biggest challenge will be getting the blog folded into the template.

I did manage to snap off a couple of new pics. I manged to catch Mostovic focused on his work.

Ponder Me This...

He came down to the Castro to meet me. Our schedules have been going in opposite directions as of late. It was good to catch up w/him. Even if it was short lived.

And here is Bobby posing under the posies. (not really posies but it sounded good!)

Bobby In The Posies

Again, looking so angelic. I need to get one w/an infrared lens so I can catch his horns showing.

I snagged a new one for the photo log on the right as well. Looking completely nuts as usual.

Template Update

I’m in doing some OT at work today. I’m on the fire side so things are nice and slow and I have a chance to work on the template. I redid the 100 things section. It is still in pieces but here is a preliminary glance of things to come. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the blog to conform but the rest of the pages will eventually all be under the template.

Sad Day

It is a day like today that I hate my job.

A 11yo child was mauled to death by a pitbull today. My last trainee released solo took the first call and had to be taken out of the room after it was over. She was so upset, we had to send her home. I don’t blame her. I didn’t even take the call and I was in tears when I saw the child was confirmed dead.

The real pisser? The dog belonged to the family! I’ll reserve my comments for now as I’m so angry I could spit nails.

WordPress Update

I added a new photo manager plugin for the blog. It took me way longer to setup than it probably should have. Just shows how ignorant I am when it comes to php code. Anyway, I got it up and working. I just dont’ have many images to rotate thru yet. Guess I’ll have to start working on that. hehehe

There is also a new update out for WordPress itself. I’m too chickenshit to upload it for fear of problems. I’ll wait till the next one comes along before I make the jump.

The Haggling Ends

In the ongoing battle for a raise at work, the city responded to our counter offer w/their counter offer today. They’ve piddled around until the deadline is on top of us so we don’t have much choice. While we didn’t get everything we wanted, we did manage to get an 8% increase out of the deal. The increase takes affect July 1st. It is a permanent increase in our job classification which just means they can’t take it away later.

The sad part is the offer is probably too little too late. We are losing 10 bodies in the next 3 months. This offer may serve to keep 1 or 2 of those but that won’t help our staffing levels one bit. As we move into phase 4 of our training to take over the Fire/EMS function, we can’t really afford to lose anyone. The loss of 10 bodies is going to hit us very hard. Even with round the clock training of new people it simply isn’t enough. The numbers for the latter part of this year are going to be scary.

Odd Dreams

I’ve been having really odd dreams lately. By odd I mean they’ve become very detailed.

As far back as I can remember, my dreams have always been a bit complex in their makeup. However, they tend to be blurry on the overall details. One or two items of focus can be detailed but the overall feel of the dream is always out of focus w/that surreal dreamy quality. Even in sleep I’ve always known I was dreaming.

Lately, some of my dreams have been so real, so detailed, I forget I’m dreaming. Even the erotic ones. (No, we won’t go there) Not all of them just one or two every so often. Knowing a bit about dreams and there purpose, I’m at a loss for the sudden change. I mean the brain uses our dreams as a sort of clearing house of all the random thoughts, worries, desires, etc floating about in our conscious and subconscious mind. I’m perplexed as to what could have happened in my own life to warrant such a change. While my schedule is a bit busy as of late, life is relatively calm compared to late last year during the breakup and moving fiasco.

Is it something that changes w/age? I can’t recall anyone ever mentioning more detailed dreams as they age.

Me Man, You Woman…oomf oomf!

Thanks to Johnny is a Man for the fantastic link to this post. By far, one of the most eloquent statements I’ve ever read. While a bit on the derogatory side, it summed up a huge chunk of how I feel about internalized homophobia in our community.

This Rocco queen is pissing me off. He’s currently trotting out little more than a kernal of experience (along with several dollops of resentment towards the gay community) as evidence supporting the same tired, warmed-over horseshit about how uppity gays who get bashed were really asking for it because they weren’t walking around in a constant state of siege.

Basically he’s saying that gays have gotten uppity, let their guard down, and should simply accept the fact that if they behave too much like “fags,” they shouldn’t be surprised when they get bashed. And how reassuring an argument it is that all you need to do to prevent getting bashed is butch it up, and if you can’t or won’t conform to the macho code, tough shit.

Having heard the issue of masculinity beaten to and fro like an old dog it’s refreshing to see a better perspective. More and more we (as gays) are beginning to see beyond the shallow confines of the implied prerequisites of being a “man” in this country.