Walmart Fall Apart

Ya know. I never shop at Walmart. Besides having crappy product, they treat their employees horrible.

(full story)

New rule requires workers to work any shift or be fired

Wal-Mart officials in Cross Lanes told employees on Tuesday they have to start working practically any shift, any day they’re asked, even if they’ve built up years of seniority and can’t arrange child care.

Store management said the policy change is needed to keep enough staff at the busiest hours, but some employees said it appears to be an attempt to force out longer-term, higher-paid workers…

If you shop at Walmart, I urge you to reconsider. While you might be getting what you think is a good deal, that deal is at the expense of their employees. The only Walmart will learn is thru their pocketbook.

I’m all for saving a buck, but this is definitely not the way.

Weekend Warrior

Other than my overtime on Saturday, the weekend was nice. Bobby came down from Vallejo to hang w/moi. He has been bugging me to go to the Watergarden in San Jose. I finally relented. I figured worst case scenario I could lay out and get some sun on the buns. Their only call to fame is the nice patio. Course, it ain’t that nice for the price. And as it turned out, Bobby didn’t have a good time and was sourly disappointed. I on the other hand had a decent time and managed to get some sun as well.

I was a bit bummed I didn’t catch the opening of Batman Begins. However, I’ll probably catch it this weekend. Anyone else in my crew that didn’t see it, drop me a line.

Work is a pain. Our numbers are so low people are getting mandatoried almost daily now. Pray nothing happens here as we are not staffed to handle it if it does. I work enough voluntary overtime to avoid mandatory usually but it continues to get worse.

I’m behind on my blogroll. I’m been rolling thru today trying to catch up. So much going on lately everywhere it seems. Is it because today is the first day of summer? dunno.

Draw the Line

Where does one draw the line between ignorance and arrogance? An issue has sort of been simmering in the back of my mind lately. I rarely blog about the ex anymore. Mainly, because I see no reason to go on and on about him when our lives are going separate directions. That said, this blog entry is more for me than anyone else.

The ex and I separated back in November 04. He had a house in another city which he decided to sell. The house sold a month ago. To date, he hasn’t offered me a single dime. He made over a 100k in profit. Do I think I deserve something? You betcha!

Flashback to a few years prior. The ex and I live apart for almost 2 years. During that 2 years, I helped him repair, repaint (inside and out), and redo basically every aspect of the house. Granted he did more than I but it is his house and he was living there. I was still living here. I commuted twice a month there and he here. We spent most of my time there working on the house. June of 03 we decided to move in together. He moved here and we got a place together. I agreed to pickup the rent and most of the expenses while he looked for work. He then became abruptly sick from a digestive problem. I won’t go into details but he was very sick for 6 months. Obviously, I took care of him and was glad to do it. He recovered. At this point, he made no efforts to find work. I continued to pay 90% of the expenses. A year later, things get ugly and we go our separate ways. I supported us for a year and half paying 90% of the communal bills, rent, etc and I get a couch, two end tables and a bed frame. Not really a balanced match if you ask me.

In our conversations, he knew I expected some sort of compensation for all my losses in the deal. Granted, I didn’t do it because I expected something in return. I was happy to do it out of love for him. I guess my error in judgement is that I assumed he would have enough decency and respect for me to make amends for the financial/mental abuse he put me thru. I’m learning this is just not the case. Even now, he is still bound to me on several levels that benefit him. So, I am beginning to ask myself, where does ignorance end and arrogance begin?

I have done right by him thru the whole ordeal. Granted I had some harsh things to say in the beginning. I’ll admit, it does gives me a small amount of joy that it annoys him when I post stuff about him here. I think because he is ashamed and doesn’t want others to know. But even when I do post about him, my comments are about my issues. My pain, anguish, disappointment, etc. I never attack him. The same cannot be said of him. The sad truth is even after everything, I still love him. I can’t turn those feelings off. I’ve moved on but my heart hasn’t forgotten.

Now I’m faced w/a choice of what to do. Do I continue being his friend even though he continues to disrespect me? Do I make a verbal attack on him and try to make him feel as bad as I do? Or do I just end the friendship and move on w/my life?


What is it w/people who move to this country and don’t bother to learn to speak at least some English? I’m not expecting them to give up their culture or anything of the sort. What I do expect is they learn enough of the basics to communicate. Esepcially, when you work in a position that requires you to communicate w/English speakers on a daily basis.

WTF you say? I spent 20 minutes 20 MINUTES trying to explain to the maintenance guy why my bathroom fan wasn’t working. (You know, the fart fan) The guy looked like he was a day over 80. Wrinkled, weathered, toothless, Asian fellow who kept saying “eh? you want?” over and over. I finally threw his ass out and called the manager. After 5 minutes of chewing on her ass, she sent up an English speaking repairmen who had it fixed in all of 10 minutes.

Jesus F##king Christ, Mary, Joseph, & David! Learning the basics of English is not a lot to ask folks.!

BCC Meet & Greet II

Ok, so here are the pics I promised.

#1 Kitten on the Keys doing a quck “kitty pose” for the camera.

kitty pose

#2 Here is Kitton on the Keys BEFORE the wardrobe malfunction. (Janet is furious!)


#3 OH, here is that “guitar player” I mentioned…..*how did that get in there*

Lead Guitar Man

#4 PepperSpray in full glam doing IT!

If you look just inside the bent arm of the Lead Singer in Stripes, you can see my mug poking out. I was helping w/the sound stage.

#5 Last but not least, me forcing a smile after a LONG day.

Tired Moby

Schiavo – Truth Finally Wins Out

As it turns out, all the lies and conspiracy stories the family made up Michael Schiavo were invalidated. The autopsy revealed she was in fact legally brain dead. Along w/that came the revelation that she was never strangled, beaten, or tortured in anyway.

(full story)

..there is no evidence Terri Schiavo was abused or mistreated (they pointed especially to the barrage of exams performed right after her initial collapse that would have indicated this). Terri Schiavo was clinically blind, putting to rest the sad delusion that she was looking at people or following a balloon or other actions utterly impossible given her condition. Terri Schiavo’s brain was HALF the size of a normal person of her age; in other words she was severely dysfunctional and incapable of the reactions her family and outsiders who hadn’t even examined her wanted to imagine she was performing. Terri Schiavo would have choked to death if given food or water via her mouth — so those fools rushing the security guards to give Terri water would have killed her, not helped her. And no amount of therapy or treatment would have ever changed her condition.

I think the parents owe Michael an apology at the very least. Forgetting for a moment, they planned to override their own daughters wishes and keep her on a machine indefinitely. Add to that, they expected the state to pick up the bill. The audacity of these people just astounds me. No one can argue that it was a difficult painful situation for ALL involved. However, when the state starts telling me how and when I can handle my own affairs then we might as well pack it in folks. Democracy will be a memory.

Tsunami Alert!

At 19:50 hours (7:50pm) pacific time today, 300 miles northwest of San Francisco, a 7.0 earthquake occured. The following aftershocks triggered a Tsunami Alert for the entire western seaboard by the US Geological Society.

Luckily, the quake was a horizontal slip event, not vertical. Once this was discovered, the Alert was cancelled. (Only a vertical slip-event quake causes a “Tsunami” wave)

Of course, our call center was off the hook w/people calling in to find out what was going on. We were just moments away from going to full mobilization before the Alert was cancelled.

We are still here! (for now anyway)

BCC – Meet & Greet

This past Saturday I spent my time volunteering for the BCC Meet & Greet. (Pictures forthcoming) Minus the blister from tying balloons, it was a great time. The committee is much more organized this year and it is really beginning to show. The day went off w/o a hitch and we raised a sizeable amount of money to boot.

The Meet & Greet serves to officially introduce the incoming year of guys to the public. The day started w/Kitton on the Keys! A sort of burlesque meets vaudville entertainer. Funny as all hell! She was my favorite part of the whole day. Kitten honey, if you are out there, I LOVE YOU!

Pepperspray was in attendance as well and turned out a spectacular performance. I’m not a big fan of drag/glam bands but they were pretty damn good. To my surprise, I discovered I’ve already been “aquainted” w/one of the guitar players. He really is multi-talented. Who knew?! Anyway, I guess there is sort of a scandal surrounding Pepperspray beyond my indiscretions. One of the singers (in drag), also does porn. Apparently, he is really good at that too. Even decked out in face, it’s obvious when you see them in person which one he is. Not being really up on most porn these days, I haven’t the foggiest idea who he is ‘in the biz’. However, as fab looking as she was, under all that glam lurked a MAN. There was also a snake charmer performance. I thought it kind of lame. Eveyone else was oooh’ing and aaaaah’ing over it. I guess growing up on a farm w/tons of snakes as a norm, I was expecting more.

Afterwards, Mostovic, myself, Tyrone and his trick, oh I mean date, adjourned to Harveys in the Castro for a late meal. (Ok, I’m feeling caddy today, sue me!)

My food is here…more later.