Pride weekend has come and gone. Im usually in the parade but I didnt really feel like it this year. Instead, I helped setup the BCC booth. The guys did a great job of selling the calendar and worked well all day together. (pictures later) The day was overcast and hella chilly. I spent as much time trying to keep warm as I did pushing the calendar. (And w/o a shirt on it was pretty damn hard.) I have a crush on one of the guys. He at least helped keep me warm w/a kiss every now and then. I did get quite a few compliments myself and several guys kept asking which month I was on. While Im happy w/my physique, I dont see myself as calendar material. Besides, Ive realized I prefer being behind the scenes doing things that make it look easy for everyone else. Hello! Im an Aquarian, its what we do.
Speaking of kissing, Mostovic made an appearance as well. He brought his cute little dog Huntien (spelling? Its German). Mostovic was in very good spirits. I think mainly because he recently signed a lease on a new apartment. Ill probably swing by next weekend to check it out. Its a tad further out than what he wanted but he really seems to like it. Time will tell I guess. Course, now because of the distance he might need to purchase a scooter.
At present moment, Im off to Valla-crack, aka Vallejo, to visit Bobby and fix his computer. All I can say is thank God he is pretty. You know he is a friend if Im willing to travel all the way to freakin Vallejo. Vallejo is an hours ride by ferry or road. I dont think it has any call to fame other than it is right off a freeway. I think it was just a small town that got lucky. Occasionally, I have to talk to their dispatchers and they are rude as hell. No love loss there.
In a testament to technology, I had a wifi connection way out in the middle of nowhere on the water. Albeit, for a brief shining moment and then poof! It was gone. I was hoping the ferries were wired for wifi but no such luck. *sniffle* I will welcome the day when wifi is so prevalent that you cant walk/ride/fly anywhere and still have a connection. Who am I kidding, Id stay wired in 24/7 if I could. (If you didnt think I was a geek before, that just confirmed it.)
Would ya look at the time! An hour has flown by and the ferry is about to dock. Well bitches (and I say that with the deepest love), Im off for now. More on my tribulations later.