Feeling Better & Random Musings

I’ve started dealing some of the issues in my life that are bothering me. That in itself has put me in better spirits. I think, like Brat, last week I was majorly PMS’ing. Oh yes, men pms. But for us, it stands for Pansy Man Syndrome. It is that time of the month where we go from our normal selves to this quivering pile of emotions run amok. So anyway, I’m in a better mood this week.

I had some random pics to post but I somehow deleted them w/o knowing it. That or I’m just a tard. Either way, they are gone and haven’t a clue where they went. If they surface, I’ll post’em.

On the work front, I have a remedial trainee starting today. She really dosen’t need remedial but she flubbed up a few times during her monitoring sessions so I guess they wanted to make sure she can cut it. I get to weed out all her bad habits. She is a nice lady and really seems to want the job so we’ll see.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it but I’m headed back home to Houston this Friday. I’m taking a long weekeng for a good friend’s birthday. He celebrates it w/2 other of our mutual friends and it is sort of big event. Several hundred people will be in attendance. I’m also planning to visit the kin as well. I’m thinking I might audio and photo blog it just for shits and giggles.

No more ramblings for now.

School House Rock

So I registered for my classes today. I had to do a bit of finagling (fee-naag-uhling) w/my work schedule to get it to work. Not only am I losing my weekends off but I’m switching to a different shift. The one good thing is I’m on 4-10 shift now so I’ll have 3 days off. The bad news is those three days off are Mon,Tues, Wed. I know, it sucks but it’s only for 6 months. Plus, I’m working days now 11-9pm. I still get to sleep late. I just need to decide if I wanna do the gym before or after work.

As for school, I chose an accelerated training so I only have to attend one 8-hour class each week. That still gives me two days off to relax. Not bad all things considered. So much for the social life I guess. OH wait! I don’t have a social life. Problem solved.

Bitter!? Party of Two, One!

…..your table is ready. So my lunch date was a no show. Note even a phone call. I’m not sure why I even get upset anymore. Here it is almost 4:00pm pacific time and he hasn’t bothered to call or email. However, I did see him online earlier.

I make an effort in my life to be the type of person I’d want to date. I guess it is just too much these days to ask for the same in return.

** Update – got a very brief curt email around 4:30pm w/a lame excuse. Hmmm? lunch was at Noon, got a response at 4:30pm. **


I’m going on a rant today.

Does anyone get annoyed when you see those “straight-acting” logo’s that are numbered to represent how “straight-acting” you are? I absolutely detest those things. When I encounter them online, my respect for said person drops significantly. Probably not fair on my part but I can’t help it.

I’m loathe to admit it but when the site (no, I won’t link to it) first came out years (and I do mean years) ago, I took the test. I have an excuse as I was barely out of my teens and still ignorant. Even then, I was immediately disappointed w/the questions. Questions that are completely biased. Not to mention, it perpetuates the negative backward view our society has developed of what it means to be a “masculine” man. For example, if you enjoy gardening, that drops your point scale significantly. I know some pretty hot fucking landscapers who sweat more masculinity than some of these queens who wear their logo’s like a badge of honor.

I’m not bitter, nope, uh-huh, not me. (I just think we have enough battles to fight w/o fostering internalized homophobia amongst ourselves.)

Now Here’s Using Your Head

I don’t buy music cd’s anymore. Primarily due to the greed of the industry and their strong arm approach to file sharing. I’d be a liar if I said I never ripped music. What is the difference from copying it off the radio or copying a file? Same quality, same music? Never understood that one. I also see the need for the artists’ to make a buck. What I don’t get is the flat grab for cash that the RIAA has made to prevent online sharing. Their tactics are shameful at best. Beating up your consumer base does nothing to encourage them to buy your product. Duh! To date, illegal file sharing has only made the smallest dent in the music industry’s sales. All their fake studies have fallen by the wayside.

Being a huge movie fan, I’ve been fearful the movie industry would go the same route. This article from Wired mag gives me hope that maybe, just maybe the movie industry isn’t as anxious to squash their only source of income.

“We’re going to bypass what the music industry had to come up with, and that’s to get ahead of the whole piracy thing,” Freeman told reporters at Sun Valley. (full story)

Apparently, Morgan Freeman has joined forces w/some big logos in attempt to make online movie sharing easy. Time will tell I guess but w/more forward thinking and less backward thinking, I think we’ll find a middle ground that is acceptable to all involved.

Schedule Change

My schedule signup at work is underway. (We sign up for our schedule every 6 months based on seniority.) The good news is after 4 1/2 years, I’m at the halfway mark seniority wise. The bad news is I won’t be getting sat/sun’s off this next rotation. Due to the severe staffing shortages, not as many weekend slots are alotted for the shifts I want. I’ll still end up w/at least one weekend day off but not both. I’m ok w/that as I like having one weekday to get errands done. Besides, I knew getting a full weekend slot last signup was a fluke anyway.

The part that has me annoyed is the signup was delayed due to last minute changes by management. I’m gonna be cutting it close w/my school registration. (I’m planning to start paramedic training in August.) I originally thought they weren’t offering it this semester but they reorganized the listings for paramedics and I missed it. If the signup continues to move as quickly as it started I’ll be ok. If not, I’ll probably miss the deadline for City College. I’m gonna bummed if I have to wait to spring again.

Cross your fingers for me?!

Murder Death Kill

I got mandatoried today at work. I’m doing a 12er from 11 to 11. We had a double homicide today already. Apparently, a domestic violence case gone horribly awry. The guy shoots his ex girlfriend/wife, whatever. Then later kills himself. The only good thing is that the infant wasn’t harmed. Very sad.

Maybe in his next life he’ll come back as a petite female who gets beat up constantly by her boyfriend. I wonder if Karma has a sense of humor?

Whats In Your MP3 Player?

I often see people post their playlists from their mp3 players so I thought I’d give it a whirl. First, I don’t have ipod. I have a thing for simplicity and even a little synchronicity thrown in for good measure. I use my Ipaq 6315 phone/pda as my mp3 player. It serves as an all-in-one device for me which is perfect!

So anyway, this weeks list:

1. Madonna – Die Another Die
2. Tom Jones – Sex Bomb (remix)
3. Amber – We need to be Naked (remix)
4. Sophie – Murder On The Dance Floor
5. Moony – Dove (original mix)
6. Sugar Babes – Round & Round (extended mix)
7. Elvis vs JXL – A Little Less Conversation.
8. The Tamperer – Can You Feel It.
9. Dina Carroll – Without Love
10. ? – The Ketchup song
11. M People – One Night In Heaven (Oakenfeld remix)
12. Alice Deejay – Celebrate Our Love.
13. Cher – The Music’s No Good W/O You. (my fave)
14. Lio – Rapture
15. Kylie Minogue – Better The Devil You Know
16. 3SL – Take It Easy
17. Jean Jacques Smoothie – 2 People
18. Atomic Kitten – It’s Ok
19. Madonna – Impressive Instant
20. M People – Search For The Hero Inside Yourself (Vasquez remix)
21. H & Claire – DJ
22. Sophie Ellis Baxter – Take Me Home
23. Louise – 2 faced
24. The Faces – I Wish I Knew What You Know (remix)
25. Nora Jones – Don’t Know Why (remix)

Good Workout

One of the things I’ve been annoyed w/myself about lately is my gym schedule. I’ve steadily been getting worse and worse. Everything from missing days to only half ass working out while I’m there.

Today, I really pushed myself to get their on time (for me) and to do a complete workout. I had to drop weight on several exercises toward the end but it felt so good to do a complete workout. I left in a great mood for my first day back to work after my short vacation.