The Trip Home – I

Ok, I’m at work so this might get cut short. Anyway, the trip home was great. I had more fun than I’ve had in a long time on a trip back to TX. I often complain that the trips home don’t always work out for the many facets of my id. Well this time around, everyone got a work out. From my inner child reconnecting w/the family to my inner slut getting a groove on. My inner fag went out dancing and then shopping the next day. Hell, even my inner bitch got a quick chance to speak up when my flight was an hour and half late and the surly counter lady decided to cop an attitude. Yeah, I’d say all of me had a good time. lol

So here we are at Barnaby’s, my favorite restaurant in H-town.

And here is what is left of my dish. I always get the same thing. BBQ chicken w/mash potatoes and garlic sticks. mmmm-kay!

Here is Trevan (the b’day boy), myself, and Mikey (in from Dallas) having a moment after dinner. Oy what a mug shot ey?

But wait there’s more…here is Dan, Gary, & Todd at the Black Eyed Pea on Saturday for lunch. Gary (in the middle is also one of the b’day boys).
The Guys

Stay tuned for pics of the party and the clan!

Painful Reminder

I’m gonna go off on a rant here. (The trip info is still in works.)

Why are men such dicks?

I’ve been chatting w/a friend from back home in Houston via email for a few days now. Due to my schedule on such a short trip, we did not get time to visit in person. Anyway, I discovered he recently split w/his bf. There seem to be some striking parallels between his and my breakup. I got very teary eyed after reading his latest email. The pain he is going thru is all too familiar. Saying ‘it will get better’ is so cliche. We all know it will but, it does nothing to lesson the pain now.

I think I’m gonna start a sex site called “Sex with Strings”. Meaning…yeah you can hook up for sex but the focus is also on finding someone compatible out of bed as much as in bed. Wouldn’t that be a gas!? I wonder if it would go over well. I’m obviously trying to make light of things here. However, I do believe that our culture has these polarity in regards to sex and relationships. It’s always “looking for long term LTR not hookups” or “looking for hookups only“. Why can’t you look for both? I know it ties into our irrational need to conform to the hetero morality. Lets face it folks, men are wired differently than women. So when you take women out of the equation, it doesn’t make sense to try and apply rules that were never meant for same sex relationships. DUH! I’m not saying monogamy doesn’t have a place in same sex LTR’s, (which so many often intepret I do), just that we need to be honest w/ourselves and our partners about our needs/desires. It’s that simple.

Ok, I’m totally off focus here but that’s it for now. I need to get ready for work.

Home Safe & Sound

Ok, I made it home to SF safe and sound. The plane was again late but only by 30 minutes this time. I had a great time and was completely tuckered out. I managed to squeeze in the tivo’d episodes of Stargate: SG1 & Atlantis and then I crashed for a 12 blissful hours of sleep.

I have a ton of email to sort thru so if yours is in there, bare w/me. I’ll get to it eventually.

Oh, pics coming as well.

Travel Alert

So far no problems. I’m at the airport waiting for my flight. It’s about 30 minutes late so I have time to squeeze in a blog entry or two.

I got off early last night however, I still ended up going to bed late. I couldn’t fall asleep. Only ended up getting 5/6 hours worth. Not the end of the world, I’ll try to squeeze in a few winks on the flight. It’s usually about 3/4 hours. That gives me time for at least an hour nap and watch a dvd on the laptop. Why whatever do you plan on watching Moby? I’m glad you asked dear reader. Today’s in-flight entertainment is Underworld with Kate Beckinsale.

And The Karma Wheel Turns

I found my phone!

I can’t believe it. I am sooo giddy right now. Remeber when I said I called Starbucks to see if maybe I’d left it there. Well today, on a whim, I stopped by thinking mabye the night crew didn’t know about it since I’d been there during the day. And as fate would have it, they did! I’m still in shock. They said some homeless guy tried to claim it but since it has my name on the startup screen it foiled his attempt.

Another glaring example of my karma coming back to me I think. Switched the sim chips back over and I’m back in business.

I be so happy!!!

Cellphone Hell

I’m trying to get over my anger at myself for losing my phone. There isn’t much I can do about it now. As annoyed as I am, its not the end of the world in the scope of things. I mean I could be living in Iraq and fearful my house might be blown up at any minute.

I’ve decided for the time being to activate my old cellphone until I get back from TX. The old phone is a pda as well albeit a bit fragile. The original Tmobile pocket pc phones were metal w/glass screens. An accident waiting to happen. And let’s face it, I’m hard on my toys.

I’m not sure if I’ll get a pda again. Now that I have the laptop, I’m not sure I really need it. Don’t get me wrong, I used it plenty. I used it to track my workouts from the gym, play mp3’s, looking up movie tickets, surfing blogs via RSS, etc. I’m just not in a place where I can drop $300-$500 on a new gadget. Especially, with school starting. Audiovox has their new cell/pda combo on sale for $299.00 w/new service. Basically, the same as the one I had just different maker/model and a slighter faster chip.

My first priority right now is school of course. I have to make sure I have enough cash in the bank to cover tuition, books, etc as I make way too much to qualify for a grant. Damn prioirities…

Can You Hear Me Now? NO!

My phone still hasn’t surfaced. If I don’t find it today, I’m resigned to having to replace it. I’m beyond annoyed at this point.

The odd part is I have GPS program on the phone that uses the cellular gps to tell me where it is. However, the program only works while the phone is on. No luck so far. *sigh* I’m so incredibly bummed right now.