On a Sad Note…

A Sheriff’s who guards our building died early this morning of a heart attack. At the ripe age of 43. He apparently died in his sleep so his passing was believed to have been peaceful.

From my perspective he was a great guy and well liked by all of us. He will be missed!

Ego Booster

I’ve noticed as of late that I seem to get more attention from guys. I know some of you are probably saying “duh Moby!” but it wasn’t always the case. I mean take my friend Bobby. He is a very attractive & muscular man. I’d kill to have a body like his. When we hang out, I often notice guys turn their heads to look at him as we walk by. He, of course, thinks they are stalking him but that’s a whole nother story. (Don’t go there Sally!) My point is that I’ve always thought of myself as above average in looks but never attractive. A big part of it stems from childhood, blah blah bah. But lately, I seem to be turning heads on my own. I have to admit it’s a nice feeling. I’m not so grand as to think I’m flawless but it is nice to be noticed.

I haven’t really gained that much muscle since last year. I think I’m actually a tad smaller. (I stopped working out for a few months right after the breakup.) I’ve leaned out a little but not that much. What has changed that I’m getting more attention now? I don’t know but I sure likes it.

I’d like to think I have more confidence but I’ve had that. I guess it’s not important as long as it continues. hehehe.

On a side note, I will admit I’ve put on some muscle since the old days. I used to be very skinny. My chest was like paper stretched over bone. Don’t believe me? Here is a pic to prove it! (GOD, I can’t believe I’m reposting this pic)

Moby B 4

How’s that for scary? I don’t see myself as that person anymore mind you. But compare that pic to my pics now? Big difference huh? (And I don’t mean just the lack of hair.) Anyay, I’ve come a long way since then. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ripped as I like to eat too much. I’m also of the mindset I enjoy the gym but I don’t live for it. And thats ok w/me. I’m comfortable in my skin. I like who I am inside and out. Not many people can say that honestly.

There you have it. Moby’s shallow narcissistic rant for the day. I don’t know about you but I feel better.

Gym Jam

I ran into a cutie in the dry sauna today at the gym. A tad young for me but he had deep blue eyes like pools of deep water. I’m a sucker for eyes so I gave him my number. We did the back and forth eye contact and lingering gazes, etc. Having no shame, I walked over to him in his towel gave him a strong handshake along w/that deep piercing look that says “yes, I want you naked face down in my bed” and introduced myself. He seemed stupified by my boldness but totally responded to it. Seeing his interest and being the incorrigible flirt that I am, I leaned over and gave him a quick but memorable kiss before I left.

I’m such a stinker!

Work Drama II

More drama on the work front. After the labor meeting last week, a certain supervisor has been going out of his way to antagonize me. He went so far as to try and write me up yesterday. He took a very simple mistake and tried to really over dramatize it. Even the shift manager thought it was over the top. Needless to say, I called in the troops. With one phone call from our Union rep, the write up was taken out of my file and destroyed.

Power to the People!!!

Dore Weekend

I can’t believe I didn’t blog about Dore weekend. For those of you not in the know, this weekend was the Dore Alley fair. It’s basically a smaller version of the Folsom St Fair. I worked the booth again for the BCC. One, it kept me out of mischief and two, I get such a rewarding feeling from doing it. Not to mention, it’s a lot of fun. I get to stand around and look pretty. hehehe.

I had planned to take tons of pics but I took the wrong memory card so I only got a few. However, Tim and Norm, the photographers for the calendar, will send me some of theirs. I’ll post more later.

Well, if you like that last pic you’ll love these. Here I am caught off guard w/a clueless look on my face! lol
Dore Shock!

The re-take looks much better to me. Course, we always judge ourselves different from others. What say you?

Dram Mamma II

I’m in a surprisingly good mood considering work was very dramatic yesterday. It’s been a busy week overall. If you are regular reader, you know I’m a Union officer at work and we’ve been having some real problems. Wednesday, my local chapter met w/an attorney to review our options and get some confirmations on what management can and cannot force us to do. Normal labor laws do not apply to us as one, we are a government agency and two, we are unionized. So we got that out of the way. It was a mixed bag of info as we got some good and some bad news. Yesterday was our monthly labor meeting w/management to discuss problems.

Our Union rep. basically started the meeting out by putting management on notice that we are prepared to get radical if they do not start keeping their promises. Often, management will state one thing and then do just the opposite. And the problem usually stems from the right hand now knowing what the left hand is doing. Our rep’ds speech tied into a problem I’ve been dealing with. After about 15 minutes of continued lip service from the deputy director, I lost my temper a bit and let’em have it. Let’s just say I put things in very simple English so there was no confusing it. I took off the gloves and started naming names too. I’m all for diplomacy but sometimes you just need to put it on the table to get people’s attention. I think it worked to an extent but I don’t expect much change. I fully expect in the next two months things are going to get ugly.

Who do you call when there is no one left at 911?

Good Cause

Besides my normal volunteer work for the BCC, I just bought the New York Firefighters 2006 Calendar of Heroes. Proceeds from the sales go toward the NY Fire Fighters non profit foundation. The FDNY Fire Safety Education Fund supports the FDNY to serve the public and save lives through fire safety and other joint projects.

Here’s a snapshot of the 2006 cover. HOT HOT HOT!

2006 FF Calendar

If that’s not enough, here is snapshot from the 2005 calendar as well. If that’s not enough to convince I don’t know what is!

Of course, I want you to buy the BCC calendar first. *g* Then you can zip over and buy one from the New York boys as well.

School – Revisited

I confirmed my registration for school today. I’ve been having trouble getting my confimation of scheduling from the Matriculation office. I’m exempt from matriculation as I know my skill level, class needed, and I certainly don’t need to meet w/a counselor about my “career choices”.

The only step now is to pay for tuition and books. I can’t do that until Aug 2nd for some reason. Otherwise, I’m all set.

The only downer is the campus is across the city from me so it will be a haul on my scooter every week. I guess it can’t be all roses. lol

Blogger No More

It is w/a heavy sigh that I remove Texan from my blogroll. He hasn’t posted sincy early May. I think it has become obvious he has abandoned blogging. Or at least this particular blog.

He was one of my faves and I am sorry to see him go. I hope life is treating him well.

But never fear after the clouds comes the sun. I welcome the addition of brettcajun. I’ve been meaning to add him for awhile but I keep getting distracted. It is nice to finally have another cajun on the list. I was born in Lousy-ana and grew up in TX. Some would say I had the best of both worlds. Some would say otherwise.

Oh, I’ve noticed links to my site have increased…A LOT! So a BIG thank you to everyone who has added me to your blog lists. I’m happy you enjoy my ignunce.

I’ll probably be adding more links to my list in the coming week. I’m still catching up.