the SHOWER room

I was reading this rant from the SHOWER room and was greatly disturbed. As long as people like this keep getting away with it, they’ll keep doing it.

The gist of the story is one guy gave another guy water laced w/ghb. (a date rape drug of choice for the gay community among other things). The victim proceeds to pass out and the guy “has his way w/him” then has the audacity to act like it’s no big thing. The vicitm isn’t even sure if he wants to press charges.

Read the whole story for the details. Mind you it’s 2nd hand but very disturbing nonetheless.

Thunderbirds Are Go!

Ok, if you know where the title is from extra points. (I’m dating myself w/that comment, hehehe.)

Anyway, I remembered one of the things I wanted to blog about. I guess I’m on a roll w/vendor changes this week. I’ve gotten so annoyed w/Outlook lately, I made the switch to Mozilla’s Thunderbird app. I’m giving up some functionality but Outlook crashes so often now, I’ve just had it. I thought originally I’d just overtaxed it w/so much going thru my pc however, the same problem is happending on the laptop. (Which has an even newer version.) I could go on and on about the details but I’d hate to bore you to death. One of the neat features I didn’t know Thunderbird had is spam blocker. It has a spam detection engine built in. Very nice!

Work Work Work

Today is my second day on my new shift. I’m dragging a little. I’m used to 8 hours vs 10 and I’m used to taking my sweet time waking up. I have to get up by 10:00 am now. (I know, poor me) My days off are mixed up this week w/the change. Next week they’ll be all together again.

Saturday was very uneventful. I had lunch w/the ex caught up on a few things. I guess his new boyfriend wasn’t too happy to find out we were still “legally” hitched via our domestic partner registration. (I had to leave him on it so he’d have medical coverage) Well with him finally working he doesn’t need it anymore. He went down and had it dissolved. He was kind enough to bring me a copy of the paperwork. My first divorce! I feel so “legite” now. lolol I was a little sad at first but moving on.

I ran into Tyrone from the BCC committee at Starbucks. We hung out and finished the last batch of images for the 2006 men. I just realized I forgot two pages so I’m working on those today. I’ve finished revamping the entire site so my work is mostly over at this point. I’ll still be doing minor updates but the hard stuff is behind me. (whew) Mostovic also dropped by. I hadn’t seen him lately so we also had a chance to catch up. The three of us ended up doing dinner at Blue and then I volunteered to help Mostovic get his wifi up and running. Three hours later we discovered his DSL line was corrupted and had to schedule a repair. @#$%! SBC! I saw a new offer from Comcast on the tele so I’ve decided to bite the bullet and switch. (Bobby will be so pleased)

I had several things I wanted to blog about today but have completely forgotten what they were. Maybe they’ll come to me later.


So it’s Friday. Tomorrow is my last day having a weekend day off for 5 months. I know I gave up weekends for school but, I am not looking forward to the change. Sunday is my first day on the new shift. Blech! Because of the way our shifts change, I get Saturday and then Tuesday/Wednesday off this coming week. The following week of the 22nd I’ll have straight Mon/Tue/Wed’s off thru December.

On a good note, I discovered that I only have to catch one muni bus from my house to the campus. It goes right by my apartment. It couldn’t have worked out better! (see my afore mentioned comments about karma)

No more Eagle on Sunday’s. No more midnight mass. (yeah right, me in church?!) The only time I’m on my knee is during… uh well, “prayer”. And speaking of prayer, Mostovic, who never blogs anymore, finally got settled in his new place. He is having trouble setting up his wifi. I may try to swing by tomorrow and help him. We were supposed to have lunch today but I got up really late. (don’t ask)

It also eats into the time I devote to charities. I won’t be as readily available for fundraisers. I’ve made allowances for the bigger events but I’ll miss a lot of the smaller ones. [insert sigh of the martyr here]. lol

Bobby is driving me nuts to go to Marine World. (I don’t know why they still call it that as they don’t have marine life anymore. It’s just a theme park now.) Anyway, I haven’t really felt like going. I wouldn’t mind going up to the river but I’ve only been once and I don’t remember how to get there. I certainly don’t plan on driving up there spending hours looking for it. *sigh II* Speaking of charity, if you can afford to purchase a calendar for the BCC, I urge you to do so. It’s the best $20.00 you’ll ever spend. You can go online to purchase the calendar and have it mailed to you. They make great gifts too.

I’m very happy to report that my comm. center donated over $1000 to the family of the sheriff deputy we lost earlier this week. The money will go toward a college trust for his 8 year old son. Sometimes, people can do a good thing!

I’m doing overtime tonight so no late night shenanigans for me. *sigh III*

Transporter 2

If you haven’t seen the original, you definitely should rent it on DVD and watch it. Part 2 is due out in early September. Jason Statham is fire hot in my opinion. Not to mention, if you like good action flicks, it’s chock full of action.

Jason Statham

Here is Jason in the first one taking out a slew of bad guys inside a bus. Even knowing the sequence was planned, I can’t help but be amazed at how smooth he pulls it off.

I think maybe I’m just frisky today. I have been a good boy all week.

Can You Hear Me Now? II

I woke up this morning to discover Tmobile had terminated my cell service. I get to Starbucks in the Castro expecting to log on, pay some bills, blah blah blah except no signal. I’m like “oh k, What gives?” So I call’em up, on someone else’s phone mind you, and “oops! we are sorry sir, we cancelled your account for no apparent reason”. With a little digging, we discovered the mysterious error. You’ll remember I lost my cellphone a few weeks back. Well, Tmoblie forgot to remove the automatic account termination after 30 days. I did get a very sincere apology and 50 extra minutes so I guess I can’t complain too much. I think they did it on purpose just to make sure the account wasn’t stolen. Bitches!

Tmobile overall has been a decent service. I haven’t had any trouble w/their cell coverage. Plus, I’m not currently on a contract so they know they have to be nice to me! hehehe

Incoherent Ramblings

I’m in a mood today. On my way to work, I passed this guy that looked exactly like the preacher from the movie “Poltergeist”. I mean it was spooky. He was humming too. I was so struck by the likeness, I got chills. I got the giggles right after.

I guess I should be in better spirits. 1. I mentioned to the employees of the new taco bell close to my house how they kept getting my orders wrong and they gave me my order free today. 2. My friend Mikee from Dallas might be coming to visit real soon. He is a hoot! And, on top of that, I was walking thru the park to work and found a 20 dollar bill! The ether is telling me to “snap out of it” I think. Maybe I should listen?

Work is still very sad over the death of our deputy. Not to mention, I had a good cry yesterday over roblog‘s current life drama. In a nutshell, Rob is being torn apart watching his ex being devastated by opportunistic infections due to AIDS. I don’t think if I were the sick person, my ex would be as caring. I cried partly out of compassion and the other out of shame. I hope to someday find someone as genuine and caring as Rob to share my life with. He doesn’t see himself as anything other than what he is. I see him as much more. Everytime I read his blog and how he struggles, I come away with the utmost respect and admiration for him. It makes me want to be a better person. I think that is the best compliment one human could ever give another.


I hate SBC! Or the artist formerly known as Pacific Bell. I much prefer cable internet over DSL as the speeds are often much faster for what you pay. However, when I moved into this building, Comcrack had not yet wired it for high speed internet. I was left w/SBC or nothing.

Apparently, because SBC contracts out for DSL, even though the bill has their name on it, I have different billing cycles for my phone and DSL servcie. This creates a problem in that one month I get billed for just my phone line and the next I get billed for my phone line and 2 months worth of DSL. It’s not breaking me but it is annoying. I call today to try and resolve the issue and I’m given lip service by both sides (after being on hold for a whopping 16 minutes) about how they can’t change my contract, blah blah blah.

Were it not for my investment in books, tuition, etc for school, I’d pay the termination fee and switch today. However, reason has overriden my anger to strangle the life out of my phone.

OY! I feel better now.

Here’s a Thought!

People often tease me about some of my random observations about society, gays, etc. I thought I’d start a list of things I often catch myself thinking or saying. Sometimes funny, sometimes stupid, sometimes just a thought.


If you are over the age of 30, you can no longer refer to yourself as ‘boy’ or ‘boi’.

So if you are straight-acting does that mean I can’t get a blowjob?

No, inches are on the OTHER side of the ruler.

If your belly is larger than your waist, you are NOT a jock.

It’s not your fault but, it is your problem.

Pics of you flipping off the camera were cool ONCE in the 80’s.