Color Me Brown?

In preperation for the trip to FTL, I decided to visit the fake-n-bake (tanning salon) yesterday. I tried the new “no burn” tanning bed. You spend about an hour in the bed flipping once.

The Bed

It wasn’t bad. I guess it’s too soon to tell. I did see some color right away. I’m unusual in that it takes alot for me to tan. However, once I do it tends to stay that way for awhile. I really just want a base tan so I don’t burn while I’m away. I prepaid for 3 sessions so I’ll see how it looks afterwards. I still have 2 regular tans left over from last year. I’ll cash in on those if the “new and improved” tanning doesn’t work.

Half Way There!

Boy am I glad! The test is over finally! I think I did well and I know I aced the patient assessment part. I was nervous but my hard work paid off. Actually, my study partner and I got the highest score in the class on the assessment part. I won’t know the results on the written until next week. One guy totally bombed it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t unexpected. He doesn’t seem all that quick and does nothing to help himself by having text message conversations on his phone during lectures.

That said, a very loooong week of mad studying comes to a close. No test next week obviously so I get a welcome rest. The ex and I are getting together for sushi tonight. (I need more Sushi-eating friends.)


I’m feeling much better. Been trying to get plenty of rest and it seems to be helping. I didn’t get full blown thankfully.

I left a ‘nice’ note for someone who took my wet clothes out of the dryer last night.

The trip to FTL is all planned. I just need to rent a car and I’m all set.

Oh, and I spilt water on the one porno I own (which is on VHS. I don’t own a VCR). Oh the loss…

More madness in the week…

..And We DON’T Accept No Food Stamps!

After work last night, Bobby dragged me kicking & screaming to the midnight showing of Friday the 13th III in 3D! Captured here is the sheer terror on my face at the discovery.

Moby Insane!

I quickly recovered from my 80’s flashback shock syndrome and decided it would be kinda fun. After all, I’d never seen the 3D version on the big screen. Of course, Bobby was thinking we needed to show up hours early, I quickly squashed that delusion. While it did have a good turnout, it wasn’t like the release of Star Wars or Star Trek. I’d say probably couple hundred people all total.

After a late night snack at Orphan Andy’s, we waddled over to the theatre. Here we are getting “in the mood” so to speak.

Choke that Hoe!


We stood in line very close to the front for about 35 minutes. It was a bit nippy out and I had already commandeered Bobby’s fleece warm up so he froze while we were waiting. We had the pleasure of standing behind this gaggle of drunk twinkies in cheap knock-off hockey masks. They kept bouncing between the line to get in and Daddy’s (bar). You can picture the scene I’m sure.

So we finally got in out of the chill, got our beverages and quickly took our seats. Here we are in anticipation of the movie. I might add the glasses we are wearing are from the original release in 1982. Bobby is a fanatic when it comes to the Friday the 13th/Halloween franchises. You don’t even know to what degree.


Bobby didn’t believe me when I told him there would be lots of yelling. Sure enough we were surrounded by a cacophony of cat calls, screams, yells, and chants. We gave as good as we got though. There is one scene toward the end I couldn’t resist. The main female character is the only one left alive at this point. She just spent the night asleep in a canoe out in the middle of the water. She hears a sudden sound and is frightened by this mallard duck suddenly landing in the water. Right as the scene quited down I yelled “AFLAC!” Bobby laughed so hard I thought he might fall out of his seat.

So all in all, we had a good time. I didn’t get to bed till late and I’m paying for it today but it was worth it.

Hello, I’ll Be Your EMT Today…

My mid-term is next week so I am hella-studying. I spent about 4 hours at Starbucks in the Castro cranking out the work. I’m not even close yet. Over a 100 questions on the test covering about 30 chapters. All that said, I’m very excited about my training. I can’t wait till I finish so I can start seeing patients! I can’t believe I waited this long to do it. This swedish couple from Holland saw me studying at The Cove last night and started asking me all these questions. I discovered the husband is the equivelant of a paramedic over there. Too bad he was straight.

I won’t be doing much blogging for at least a couple of days. Today is my last day off this week and I’m hoping to cram 4 more hours in.

Over the past week, I’ve been updating the blog and fixing broken links, images, etc from back when I made the switch from Blogger. A lot of the old pics weren’t displaying properly. Now they show up. I haven’t resized all of’em yet so if you use IE to view my blog you’ll get an annoying gap on the middle column on any of the old pages where a pic loads. The pics are too wide for the column so IE just forces the whole column down. @#$%! (Hint, if you click on the “photo” category you can see every post w/a picture in it. Haven’t finished all of’em but most.)

Anyway, I’ve also been reading some of my old entries and I really felt better after reading this one. I was sorta down and whining about my lack of direction. I’m really proud of myself for getting shit done. Even if my debt has gone up a little instead of down, I’ve taken care of so many things that were nagging at me. I have this intense feeling of accomplishment.

Oh! Speaking of debt, $450.00 later, I got the scooter back yesterday. It purrs like a kitten again. hehehe. It needed so much work I really can’t complain about the cost. Another task I’d be delaying that was driving me nuts.

I’m feeling better so I’m off to the gym to work my “musk-uls”.


TRN stands for Tranny Hooker Neighbor which is exactly what I got. I normally don’t mind so much as she is usually quiet about it. I’m sure she has a day job but I often see her boys coming and going. Sometimes two or three a night. She ain’t bad as far as trannys go. Latin, slender, decent features. Ru Paul she ain’t (and for clarification, Ru is a drag queen not a tranny) but not bad.

Tonight, I’m coming back up from the laundry room and I run into her latest catch. EEEEESH! He was scary. He looked like a really bad version of the Tall Man from Phantasm.

The Tall Man - scary!

She must be desperate because this mofo was fucking hideous! Which was kind of a surprise. She normally brings home some decent looking trade. There was even one guy a couple of months back that I wouldn’t have minded if he’d accidently came to my apt instead. Young, muscled and hot! Anyway, I digress. This one is stumbling out and around the corner right as I’m coming up to my apartment. Old, drunk, bloodshot eyes attached to a withered scared face w/hair that looked like it had just been run thru the dryer on high heat. Blech.

I couldn’t help but giggle as I walked into the apartment. I hope her dry spell ends soon. I don’t think I could stomach another one like that.

Blah Blah Blog

I discovered that one of my old co-workers (from back in TX) reads my blog. Nothing scandalous about that as she is a friend and I miss her. I just forget sometimes how much exposure my blog gets or can get.

I always think of my life as pretty mundane and boring. And it probably is in the scope of things. However, I’ve realized that I live a certain way or have done things that others only dream of. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that one.

I’m definitely an “out there” person. Meaning when you meet me in any sort of extended setting, you usually come away remembering the experience. (good or bad) I don’t think I’ve ever been shy. I’m told I have an infectious energy that people attrack too. Maybe?
I think it has more to do with my being so open. I’m down right friendly unless given a reason not to be. And having survived some very ugly and painful life lessons, I have a different perspective on life. I guess I don’t have the normal shields that you encounter in most people. That’s what I think attracks most people to me. (or repels sometimes. I’m not so egotistical to think everyone likes me.)

So, of course, my blog becomes a natural extension of that. I’m glad folks like it. If you come away laughing or learning, then it was worth the read.

Boyfriend Material

**This is sort of an adult rant today**

A friend ask me today “so when are you going to start dating again?” I never know how to answer such a question. I don’t really look or not look for a boyfriend. I’m of the belief that if you are looking then you are putting to much emphasis on the act and it becomes fatally flawed. I like to look at it as “being available” should a potential boyfriend strike my fancy. Simply put, I’m open to dating I just don’t put an emphasis on it and I don’t feel the need to date just to be in a relationship. On the same token, I also don’t feel the need to cloak my playtime as dating. If I’m out for some nookie well that’s what is nookie. Why lie?

I always find it funny when one of my friends says,

oh I met this great guy and we really clicked but I met him in a __________, I could never have a relationship w/him.

You can fill in the blank. Another notion I don’t understand. If you’re meeting someone in a place you both chose to go, then obviously you have it in common. Does that somehow preclude you from being anything but fuck buddies? You can’t use morality here w/o sounding like a hypocrite. And I think that’s what it really boils down too. It’s ok if I do it but it’s not ok if he does it. Flawed reasoning at it’s best in my opinion.

Well, gee Moby, that’s something to think about, let’s ponder it. But wait! There’s MORE! What I really don’t understand is guys who go to sexclubs or online hookup sites looking specifically for a boyfriend and then they get upset when people contact them for sex. Ex-squeeze me?

As I’ve said before, I try to be the type of person I’d want to date. Does that work for everyone? Of course not. Does it work for me? Most definitely.

Got Boy?

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart (and hard spot in my pants) for Jan. Incredibly sexy man w/that goofy sort of disposition. Is it any wonder this pic made me melt? Who is he? Remember MTV’s – The Grind? He was the host among other things. He does modeling as well but that’s how I discovered him.

Jan E

I think I might need a bathroom break. *eg*