So crazy lady that threw her kids into the ocean plead not guilty today. It is times like this I just hate our justice system. Her lawyer will probably try to get her off w/an insanity plea. I just don’t have compassion for someone who murders innocent little children, crazy or not. I think they should throw her ass off in the water and say “sink or swim bitch!”

Course, that’s just me.

Bad News

We are still searching for the babies. In case you missed it, a psychotic female threw her 3 children into the bay last night. She was having some sort of mental break and stated she heard voices telling her to feed her kids to the sharks. The fire boats, coast guard, and other agencies are working together to search for the other two children not found. Sadly, they are presumed dead by this point. The bay water is very cold on the west coast.

And they freaking worry about ME adopting kids. . . Pathetic!

Not Again

Well, looks like I may have to cancel yet another vacation. With the arrival of hurricane Wilma, it is possible my trip to Ft. Lauderdale may be a bust. While I don’t wish it on anyone, I’m hoping it spares Florida, or at least weakens down to a Catagory 3 by the time it hits.

Many people are worse off than I am but, I have so been looking forward to this trip. If I have to cancel this one, I’m just gonna say “screw it” and stay home.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Ramblings. . .

Where did the weekend go? Seems like I just left work.

So tomorrow is my Monday. I’m back at it. I’ve only got 4 days till I’m on vacation. Wahoo!

Class is still going great. I made a 98 on my midterm! I was tickled pink. We lost 4 more students. The midterm was the deciding factor for some. Our class is down to 15 from 31. That said, the 15 left seem to be equally commited as I. I don’t think we’ll lose anymore.

Today, was spent mostly doing errands. Didn’t get much play time in. This blasted flue keeps lingering around. I’m not quiet sick but not back to a 100% either. I did get a good workout in at the gym today. I’ve really been disappointed w/gym schedule and am making a hard effort to get back at it. I also got my 3rd tan in today. I’m finally starting to show some color. I got 2 more to go before I leave.

I got home kinda late and didn’t feel like ordering out so I thought I’d cook something. Course, there was nothing in the fridge. Can I insert here how much I love Whole Foods? Not for everyday shopping as I can’t afford it. However, their meat/seafood section is unriveled. As expected, they had a plethera of meats. Pre-marinated and everything.

So here is my latest creation.
Chef Moby Strikes Again!
Chef Moby Strikes Again!

Not much else to report. Just dinner and a movie to finish off the evening.


I should learn to check my own schedule. I was scheduled to lecture an acadamy class today. Needless to say, I arrived late. All done now. It is a beautiful day here in the city and suprisingly warm. I’m off to the Castro to oggle at boys and catch up on my tan!

Oh What Fresh Hell…

This entry marks the end of a very loooong drawn out day. Not only did I pull 12 hours but everyone was cranky. Add to that lots of goin’s-on in the city. A carjacking (211cj), a stabbing (219), a shooting (217), a lady backed over a homeless guy (519 ped), and to top it all off, I got a lovely caller who felt the need to remind me her taxes pay my salary (800). Well it ain’t enough! (How’s that for good grammar?) And her gripe was over kids playing in the park…playing in the park! I’m like be frelling glad they aren’t tagging your house lady! Anyway, I’m glad this day is over. I had originally planned to go out but I guess I’m getting old. I’m too pooped to party.

In other news, my ex called while I’m at work. He was in an accident on the freeway. He was ok but needed help on what to do. I was a bit short but offered up the needed assistance. Afterwards, I felt a bit guilty so I called him back and made sure he was really ok and that he got the necessary help. Freeways are CHP jurisdiction but I’m a control freak at work, I admit it. I only mention it as it segways me into my last bit of drama for the day.

**Oh, and you might wanna skip this part. I so hate when people drag out their dramatic break-ups so I won’t resent you if you skip it. However, this is more about what I’ve learned from it than the break-up itself.**

I made a comment to a co-worker in passing about the ex calling and he said something that reduced me to tears. He doesn’t read my blog and he’ll probably never know the effect he had on me today. That said, I am truly grateful for his thoughtfulness. It really helped solidy my belief in myself and my actions. So after our very brief conversation he took the time to write to me thru the terminals and say,

“…w/o really knowing what happened, I know you and I know whatever he did he probably deserved it. You are a compassionate and gentle creature.”

This from a straight guy who used to be a cop. Not exceptionally known for his overt kind nature. You wouldn’t believe such a small statement could reduce me to tears. I was so bloody blubbery I had to take a break! (This conversation occured via computer terminals) If you are one of my few regular readers you know I tried really hard thru the whole dramatic break-up to be the better man. And here is a person who doesn’t know any of the details of my life and he totally gets it. He totally get’s what I’ve been going thru w/o even knowing it. The blind understanding of his comment just pushed me over the edge. I got all blurry-eyed and had to take a moment to collect myself. It was so “Elizabeth Taylor” I’m giggling now. However, at the time it was a very defining moment.

And w/that blog fans, stick a fork in me cause I’m done! It’s been an emotional day. No phones, no friends. Just me w/my feet up in front of the Tivo.


Stand By For The Box…

Pulling a 12 hour shift today. However, it’s Friday for me. And no test for class as we just had mid-term last week. I get to spend the whole day tomorrow just doing what I want instead of studying. I’m so looking forward to it. No cares, no plans….ah the joy!

For those of you who come here via the homepage, you’ve probably noticed the Bio link is broken. Well, not exactly. It loads a page that was part of an older template so it loads all screwy. I’m working on updating it. It will look more like the homepage once I’m done. I got sorta sidetracked though. I started out w/one goal and wound up w/another. Plus, it was way too wordy. I’m trying to keep it brief.

It’s So Foggy Out & Ramblings

I went to see the remake of The Fog last night w/Bobby. Not bad for a remake in my opinion. It has what’s-his-name from Smallville as one of the lead characters. God he is so hot. Anyway, they didn’t flesh the plot out as much as I would have liked but not bad. There were a few scary scenes as well. Bobby hated it of course. Not sure why but I gave up trying to figure that out years ago.

I’m on fire side at work again today. Nice and slow so far. I’ve been busy w/academy classes this week. I teach CAD (computer) training to the new dispatch class. They seem to be doing well so far. I really tried to encourage them to work as a collective group and they seem to be doing it. (I have to be careful what I write here as I discovered some of them read my blog!) heee heee heee

My tanning bed trip wasn’t too bad. I really like the results from just the first tan so far. I’m back tomorrow for session 2. I should be perfectly lightly tan by the time I hit FTL. That reminds me, I gotta get a new bathing suit. SHIT! totally forgot that. I’ll try and work that into the weekend. Course, I may have to wait till the trip. Swimsuits aren’t exactly prime wear here right now.

I’ve been really good at hitting the gym this week too. I’ve been slacking as of late due to my hectic schedule. I’m blissfully sore all over today. I did my glutes/quads yesterday and I could barely walk this morning. I had to soak in the jacuzzi for a bit to loosen up.

News You Can Use

WOW! Who knew my news commentary would spark a rush of email. I got home to a slew of emails querying why the sudden interest in current events. (and I never understand how some people just don’t like posting to blogs) Gosh folks, I didn’t really mean to sound so self-absorbed. I swear (in my best Paris Hilton voice) I’m not! lol Seriously though, I usually avoid blogging about most mainstream topics as so many bloggers do a way better job of beating the news to death.

My friend Tim always says I downplay my intelligence to avoid sounding arrogant. Well thats probably true but not really the reason behind not being a topical blogger. Truth be told, I consume a variety of news sites on a daily basis. I have a variety of interests and tend to go where my curiosity gets sated the most. I lean more toward science, technology, and advancements in medicine. I try really hard to stay informed of the changes in the world around me. However, the blog is and has always been for me to journal and rant about things in my own life. I’ll probably continue to throw in news that interests me but you won’t see my blog turn into a media outlet. (Lately, I don’t even have enough time to get laid much less be a news hound)

As you can tell from the news I did include, not exactly front page material! Well, I’m home from work. Not a bad day. I spent half on the fire side and the rest on pd side. We had a 217 (shooting) right before I left. Thankfully, it was time for me to go. And w/that in mind, it is time to catch on the Tivo shows!

Night all.

News Flash

In an attempt to be more of a “topical blogger”, I’m adding some random news stories that struck my interest. They may or may not be top stories (usually on the “may not” side).

In local news, our very own MUNI is apparently planning to offer free wifi to the masses. However, the mayor expects a lawsuit from SBC and Comcast. Wouldn’t surprise me if they did. Selfish stingy bastards that they are. People are always going to want to pay for dependable service. So the big fear of municipalities taking away revenue is nothing more than a shameless attempt at a monopoly. Let’s hope Muni wins.

In not so local news, The Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy has rejected a proposed rule that would have allowed pharmacists to not fill prescriptions based on their personal beliefs. Had the motion passed, it would have allowed a pharmacist to refuse to fill or refill any prescription based on personal beliefs. So in other words, “…I don’t like you because you are gay or lesbian. I decide I’m not going to fill your life saving prescription.” This was a no brainer folks. I can’t believe some yahoo had the balls to submit it for consideration.

Dipshit Alert! Dipshit Alert! Courtesy of Good As You, Mr. Dipshit (aka I’m a former gay) has his nickers in a knot over all those damn gays on the tele.

America better wake up; that’s all I say. I don’t mean to sound harsh or angry, but it’s gotten to the point right now where homosexuality is just so accepted now, it’s being promoted on every television show.


For you pez fanatics out there, Pez has come out w/their new Pez MP3 player. How cool is that! It is MAC compatible but doesn’t mention itunes. Thought to ponder. It plays mp3’s wma/wmv files which is nice as you can play your existing collection as well as any “downloaded” music files as well. And the price is right at a low $99.00

Scientists have discovered that black holes aren’t quite the super over-eaters as previoulsy expected. The discovery shows that stars can actually form near blackholes. Who knew?!