I’ve gotten a few emails asking if I was giving up blogging. The answer, NO. I’ve just been a little busy and digesting some of my new found revelations. My post about belonging really did open my eyes a bit and give me better insight into myself. I am still adjusting to that and will do my best to keep you informed of how it radiates out into my life.
I got a nice phone call from brettcajun today. He just called to catch up and chat. He is doing well and adjusting to his new life being single. He is such a sweetheart.
Irony of ironies, my ex called me yesterday and wants to have lunch. Nothing unuusal in that in itself however, he hasn’t called me in months so I’m thinking he wants something. That’s probably a little negative on my part but I do know him pretty well.
My training yesterday dealt with WMD’s. Yes, weapons of mass destruction. All I will say on that, is it is sad that terrorists often use the very freedoms we hold most dear against us. And the argument can and has been made that our government should be allowed to bend and even break those freedoms in the name of protection. I say no, No, NO! Two wrongs never make a right and if anything we end up being not better than the bad guys.
I was struck though by all the really horrible and devastating things we do to each other on this planet in the name of God. If there was an omnipotent figure up there watching, I bet he(or she) is ashamed of us. There is a lot of talk these days of banning religion from government all together. I’ve never been a supporter of that menality as I do believe people have a right to their beliefs and should be respected. However, I’m not so sure anymore. After witnessing the deplorable lengths that so called “christians” go to in this country to force their way of life on everyone, I’m beginning to wonder if that is the answer after all.
Awww…. I enjoyed waking you up and talking to you Moby. Knowing you probably woke up with a woody made the conversation extra sweet! 😉
I don’t see how they could ban religion from government. I mean sure you could remove all references to the bible or god from public view however those that believe in him carry around those beliefs and even if they are don’t say their decision or actions is based on their religious beliefs they will draw upon these teachings to help them make decisions. Unless all government employees hired are athesis, which in itself would be rather interesting.
Sorry for the run on sentence.
I think you answered you own question. No one can prevent you from believing what you believe. However, any reference to your religion and being able to “grandstand” using it as an argument wouldn’t be allowed either.
I’m not sure I support this rather extreme method however, at some point there needs to be some accountability for people hiding behind religion as an excuse to discriminate against others.