Body by Moby II

Someone reminded me today I never posted the follow up to this post. Oopsie. I forgot. So here it is. Keep in mind, if you have medical problems, you should definitely consult w/a doctor or nutritionist before making any drastic changes to your routine.

Back in post one I covered three ways to a better body. First and most important is diet. For the purpose of this discussion, this definition works best for me.

Diet – 1) habitual nourishment and 2) a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight. Notice how the word has two very distinct meanings. Sadly, most folks think dieting means starving yourself. That is the worst thing you can do to your body. And just so you know, starving yourself teaches your body more efficient ways to store fat.

Rule 1 – Eat Better

Easier said than done, I know. The heavyweight contributors to obeisity are trans-fats and fructose/sucrose drinks (soda pop). The easiest way to lose weight is cut out all the trans-fats and sweetened sodas in your diet. If not all, most. By most I mean 80% or more. That means no fried foods (including french fries) and no coca-cola. Anything fried can be baked and usually turns out just as tasty. If you crave sweet drinks, stick to all natural fruit drinks. The sugars in real fruit drinks is better for you. Fruit drinks also contain micronutrients as well. If you can succeed in cutting these demons from your diet, you are half way there. Half way! That’s how bad they are.

Next, make your fattest meal of the day breakfast. Make your leanest meal of the day dinner. Your metabolism kicks into high gear w/the first meal of the day. It also slows down toward the end of the day. Adjusting your eating to coincide w/that can have dramatic affects.

Believe it or not, some fats are good for you. Omega-3 fatty acids actually aid in digestion and you need them in your diet (Another reason not to starve yourself). Olive oil is top of the list. Also any fat that comes from fish or nuts is good for you.

Fresh is always better. Fresh foods aren’t packed w/preservatives and other nasty additives. If you can’t go fresh then frozen fresh is your next option. Stir away from canned vegetables and canned meats packed in sauce. (Tuna and/or Chicken packed in water is ok)

If you are able, break your 3 big meals into 4 or 5 smaller meals. Keep in mind, snacks are counted as meals. Not so hard when you think about it that way. By eating less in one sitting, you not only aid in digestion but you stretch the stomach less. Your body also process smaller amounts of food faster. There is no need to gorge yourself either. If you know another meal is coming you won’t feel the need to tank up.

Tip 1: Start out slow
Most people fail because they go overboard and burn out. They suddenly deny themselves all the comfort foods they are accustomed too. Eventually, desire wins over discipline for most. Make gradual changes until they become habit. You can also indulge yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy some of your favorite foods in smaller portions. (If you are like me, you are trying to squeeze the french fries back in here however, by “indulging” I’m referring to once a week not once a day!)

Tip 2: Consistency
Stick to it. If you fall of the wagon one day, get right back on it the next. (That doesn’t mean you get to fall off every day saying, “oh, I’ll get back to it tomorrow“.) Consistency will aid in your new eating trend becoming a habit.

Tip 3: Convenience
Make it easy to eat right. Keep snacks and foods that you want with you or within easy reach. Don’t rely on vending machines, frozen dinners, or fast food at work. I vacuum seal my meals together. Then I just grab a meal of choice out of the fridge/freezer and I’m set. It may sound corny but it works. Most fully cooked veggies don’t freeze very well so you might keep them in the fridge until ready. I noticed recently safeway has been carrying these little self serve packs of different veggies. You basically throw’em in the microwave for a few minutes and viola, instant steamed veggies. I love the natural flavor of veggies so this works great for me.

Rule 2: Exercise
Diet is only half the equation. To lose weight you must burn more calories in a day than you have consumed. Not rocket science folks. Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean hitting the gym. If you can’t hit the gym there are untold things you can do to get the ole ticker working. Walks, swimming, skating/rollerblading, jogging/running, gardening, etc are all forms of exercise. Getting your heart rate up boosts the metabolsim. A boosted metabolism means more calories get burned. It only takes 30 minutes a day. If you commit to just 30 minutes out of every day to get in some form of exercise, you will see results. The more exercise the better however, I definitely know the demands a busy schedule can place on your life. I’d argue, if you are serious then you have to make the time. Don’t blow it off. I mean come on, it’s 30 minutes out of your day.

Tip 1: Start Slow
See a pattern forming here? Again, build into a schedule. Start out w/two or three days a week. Give yourself time to adapt to the changes. Slowly build up to a full schedule that works w/your daily routine. Obviously, you have more free time on weekends. Find something you can do. Sports, gym, whatever. Just do it!

Tip 2: Consistency
The more you go, the more it becomes a habit.

That’s it! If you can apply the things above, you will be well on your way to a new leaner you. And the truth is you can actually eat whatever you want (even the bad stuff) if you have enough exercise in your day. The problem is few of us have the free time in a day to dedicate to exercise.

I hope it helps and I’m always willing to offer constructive advice. Good luck!

6 thoughts on “Body by Moby II”

  1. I am so glad you wrote this down. I have the biggest problem with my pudgey gut. I eat totally opposite. I eat a small breakfast and a small lunch. By dinnertime, I am starving and I PIG OUT. My BF tells me I need to stay away from fast food. I am trying to get rid of the gut. Thanks for posting this quality post Moby! 🙂

  2. Allelulia! I actually for the most part have been doing my regiment right. Eat your heart out brettcajun. HEHEHE! Just need to get back on track with the program. Srtarted to do it on vacation 6 weeks ago and then Orlando and New York City came along. Lets just say Little Italy, canolis, pastrami on rye, amongst a few other things, got me off track. Oh well. Its time to get the mind focused again.

  3. Thank god I have a metabolism that lets me eat whatever I want…but also thank god that a lot of the stuff that I want is healthy too.

  4. Very cool and informative post, Moby! Sometimes it’s helpful to see things (even obvious things) written down. Makes it more “concrete”. 🙂

  5. Thanks for the advice Moby! It’s always great motivation to see more and more people talking about ways to get into a healthier lifestyle 🙂

  6. Excellent informative post. I agree, the 4 or 5 small meals a day routine is amazingly effective in keeping the body lean and fit. Provided of course you aren’t chowing on crap.


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