Helga To The Rescue!


I guess all my frustration at not being productive yesterday built up. I was soooo productive today.

I. . .
cleaned the kitchen
vacuumed the apartment
bought a new broom, mop, and light timer.

But wait! There’s more.

I. . .
went to the gym
paid bills
cleaned the desk (again)
mailed Large Tony‘s Tshirt (again)
went for a ride on the bike
bought some fresh flowers
and went to a 2nd showing of X-men 3.

I even managed to squeeze in some time to be a dirty slut. Whew! I’m tired. *g*

I still need to do some laundry though. Notice I saved the worst for last.

And how is your post holiday week going?

6 thoughts on “Helga To The Rescue!”

  1. Movies, study, study, and study.
    I know…how dry. But in all honesty I have done nothing productive and I will be paying for it tomorrow when I am cramming. Twice to X-men3 already Moby…must be hooked.

  2. See… you are like me… you get fed up with procrastinating and then you go OCD on something! You did do a lot in one day! Congrats!

  3. Hey I did some of those thing too including being a slut. You defination of dirty may be different from mine so I’ll leave it open to interpretation.

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