WordPress Update

I added a new photo manager plugin for the blog. It took me way longer to setup than it probably should have. Just shows how ignorant I am when it comes to php code. Anyway, I got it up and working. I just dont’ have many images to rotate thru yet. Guess I’ll have to start working on that. hehehe

There is also a new update out for WordPress itself. I’m too chickenshit to upload it for fear of problems. I’ll wait till the next one comes along before I make the jump.

3 thoughts on “WordPress Update”

  1. What, not enough photos?????

    Well, if you & TH would stay still long enough, you would have more pix from me.

    Can’t wait to see the photos tho’


  2. Hehheh that’s probably the one major reason why I don’t get my own site and upgrade to WordPress.. I have NO CLUE about anything in html and php and all that.. I would be TOTALLY lost!

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