
Well I’m back at work after being on a stay-cation last week. Money is tight and couldn’t really afford to do a whole lot. Regardless, I enjoyed the down time. I’ve been staggering my vacations evenly throughout the year and its really helping. Of course, it didn’t help that I strained my back on Tuesday. I was pretty much confined to the house for a couple days. I laid around and dozed courtesy of modern pharmacology. heehee

Speaking of work, I applied to be a supervisor a couple weeks ago. I figured it was time considering I’m often a go-to resource for others already. On the up side, it would be more money. On the down side, I’d probably lose my weekends off for awhile. All the supervisor shifts are 4-10’s as well. I’m not excited about that but it is what it is. However, there are enough slots turning over I’d probably have at least a partial weekend off within the year. If I get really lucky I could have a full weekend slot in less than 2 years.

I have up to a year to revert back to my current position without losing any seniority. The department starts testing and interviews soon. I’ll let ya know how it goes.