I Love You but…

I was reading recently about a buddy on FB who was lamenting that someone in his close family was “accepting” of his pending same-sex marriage but would not be attending the actual event. [1]Oh you were so expecting something else weren’t you?  Of course it was because of their “religious beliefs”. He was hurt obviously, but was still glad they were in his life. HUH?

Sadly, this is not the first time this scenario has played out, nor will it be the last. For my part, I thinks its time that we stop allowing people who claim to love us to treat us this way. If you can’t accept me then you have no business being in my life. And when you wake up one day and find yourself excluded from my life, you have no one to blame but yourself. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, love with limits is not love but control. You can’t claim to love someone but only if they do or act a certain way. That is utter and total horseshit.


1 Oh you were so expecting something else weren’t you?

5 thoughts on “I Love You but…”

  1. I agree completely. Not going to take any more Christian bullshit. They can believe their fairy tales all they want, but the moment they start pushing their beliefs on me, that is the moment I am no longer civil to them.

  2. As a gay man I obviously don't agree with the realtives. However I disagree with your position. How can one expect to be loved and accepted for who they are without loving and accepting others for who they are. Even if we don't agree with them. My brother in law is a right wing Catholic who loves and accepts me and my partner though I know he believes our relationship is 'wrong'. I do my part by loving and accepting him for who he is. A small minded, ignorant, stupid, lazy fat fuck who was never ever good enough for my sister.

  3. I hear ya Mobes. I am less and less forgiving of people who are not accepting of me. Life is too short to deal with their hatred, so instead of showing mine, they don't have to deal with me. At all.

    One of my sisters, while clearly nice to me and my partner, is not even religious (unless it suits her needs or argument for something) but she is extremely right wing (again, when it suits her needs).

    Her kids love us and want to be with us and she wants them to, but is clearly not that accepting. I find it hard to want to deal with her, but should her kids suffer for that?

    It's a tough call, but on the other hand, I can count on zero fingers how many times we've been invited over in the last 12 months.

  4. Word, Moby.

    "How can one expect to be loved and accepted for who they are without loving and accepting others for who they are."

    To me, accepting someone that is gay is not the same thing as accepting someone that thinks your relationship is wrong because they are a "right wing catholic." Religion is a life-style choice. He chose to be a brainwashed bigot. You did not choose to be gay. Being a bigot is destructive. Being gay is not.

    If anyone in my family thought my relationship was wrong, they would no longer be in my family. I cut my dad off for two years when he told me I needed to see a shrink. He then educated himself and came around. If he hadn't come around, well, he wouldn't be around me.

    But that is just me. To each his own.

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