Blogger Convention

Ok, its not a convention, I just couldn’t think of a catchier title. So, I met Bratt tonight. We setup plans for cocktails and dinner. *He snapped a picture so pics forthcoming* He brought his friend Karen, known on his blog as ‘The Republican’. I liked her immediately, her polical status not withstanding.

I’m writing this w/o peeking at his blog to see what he wrote about me. He brought his laptop so I know he’ll probably post something. My first impression of Brat was almost as expected. He is a bit taller though. I guess we always assume everyone is our own height. Otherwise, I found him to be a bright, kind, sensative, funny, and sweet fellow. There were no awkward silences over dinner and the conversation flowed easily between the three of us. A very good dinner I might add.

**btw Brat, as stated I’m not a heavy drinker. After getting home, I felt tuckered out and decided to skipp the evening festivities….did you feel like Kate ‘fucking’ Blanchette as expected?**

So score one for blog meetings this one was a success. We are supposed to get together for lunch tomorrow before he flies off to ChiTwon again. That is, if he gets up at a decent time. *giggle*