
Well, a big thank you to everyone who offered advice here and in private about the guy I mentioned in the previous post. I made the comment sort of off-hand but I do appreciate the advice. The roomie could care less if I do anything with him. They never dated seriously and it was some time ago.

In all honestly, I’m not even sure the guy is single. I’ve just run into him a few times and swooned a bit. If and when I decide I wanna go for more, rest assured I will. hehehe If you’ve learned anything by now, you should have learned I’m not the least bit shy.

2 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. question… do some men of virtue (a relative term, of course)… not like to mark their territory, if its already been “marked” before by someone they know? for me it would mean changing that 8 degrees of separation to a negative number – scary. 🙂

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