Back At It

Feeling better?

Originally uploaded by ibod8x5

I’m back in the saddle, so to speak. Today was my first day back at the gym. I’m still sniffling a little but all of the chest congestion is gone. I took it easy today and only got about half my normal work out in. My energy isn’t 100% yet so easing myself back into it. Nothing worse than getting better and then inadvertently sabotaging it w/too much physical exertion.

Speaking of the gym, I have not one but two new future ex-husbands. heehee One guy either just switched gyms or just moved here because I’ve never seen him before. He must have a similar schedule because I see him almost daily now. He doesn’t really give me any eye contact but that never stops me from drooling.

OH! I totally forgot. Adam/Brad saw “the hammer!” You can ask them how big it is.


In other news, it is hot as hell here. A whopping 80 degrees! It is a veritable heat wave. Actually, it is in the low 70’s today which is much more bearable. I was chatting with my buddy Frank from Urswine Addiction and he mentioned it was 111 in Phoenix yesterday. Holy hell! I would literally dry up and blow away. AND, he works outside. He is a braver man than me. Course, all that physical labor has him looking all buff. There are worse fates.


Even better, it is Friday and I’m back on my regular schedule for it. Speaking of, it is almost that time. Crap, time to go. TGIF boys (and girl). Have a whore-ific weekend.

6 thoughts on “Back At It”

  1. Glad you’re feeling better.

    I don’t know how I missed your “hammer” post at the first place since I stalk your blog. Glad you mentioned it again. Now, we need proofs. 😀

  2. Hee hee…it was actully one hundred and FUCKING fifteen (!) the other day here…and I was told that out on the tarmac (where I work) it’s at least 20 degrees hotter than usual.

    Who needs TrimSpa? LOL

  3. Um, I believe I speak for all when I say that you need to take a cellphone picture of “the hammer”. For blog purposes only.

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