
The holiday is fast approaching an end.  I spent most of my weekend w/my friend Bobby.  I tried to take his mind off his mom passing.  It worked overall.  He is taking it pretty hard naturally.  Anyway, we have just the dreaded New Year’s Eve coming up [1]NYE is the busiest night of the year for us at work. and that is it for awhile. 

My Christmas was uneventful.  I didn’t receive many gifts other than what I bought for myself.  However, that doesn’t bother me at all.  I much prefer to give than receive.  I am happy to be able to give gifts over the holiday.  I have never had a lot of money.  And while I still don’t, I’m in a much better place now financially than I’ve ever been. 

The roomie’s boyfriend arrived tonight from New Orleans.  We exchanged pressies when I got home.  Knowing my roomie got laid off I didn’t expect much from him.  Especially since he had his boyfriend to buy for.  I was extremely flattered by the small gift he did get me.

TFA is back from Beijing and sick as a dog apparently.  Poor thing.  He got the flu and it hit him hard on his last international flight.  We chatted briefly tonight and he does seem to be feeling better. 

Overall, it has been a good holiday for me.  Definitely better than some from my past.  Many of my friends aren’t having it so good though.  I hope I could bring them some joy or at the very least a little distraction this season.  That to me is the real meaning of Christmas. 


1 NYE is the busiest night of the year for us at work.

3 thoughts on “Onward”

  1. Tell your roomie’s BF that we have been missing him at OZ. He was the finest stripper they ever had. We have a fist full of dollars for him if he ever makes it back down to New Orleans. 🙂

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