
Not much blogging this week, other than a couple private posts. I’m in one of those moods where I’m just blah. My schedule has been kinda crazy w/extra hours at work for Union duties. I also haven’t been to the gym this week. I know I’m not fat but I feel like a bloated heifer. I’m taking off till Monday, then I’ll hit it again.

In the blog world, brettcajun is hosting a “jiggy whore-off”. I was flattered I got so many votes to participate however, my webcam decided it doesn’t like Windows Vista anymore. It was working fine and then nada. I checked the drivers and it all looks good. Maybe I slung it at the storage box one too many times. Of course, this means I have to go tech shopping again. Poor me. 🙂 In the meantime, hop over and cast your vote for your favorite jiggy whore.

Work has been in an uproar lately. We have a new deputy director and some of her ideas have been causing some grief. I’ve been ‘wearing my union hat’ double time lately and putting out fires. I could go on and on about the problems with our management team however, it would just leave me bitter. The chapter officers met w/her this week for the first time. I think we got some important clarifications on the table and she seemed amicable to working things out. Only time will tell I guess.

I am still missing my Xbox 360. *sniffle* According to the tracking number, it arrived at the repair center safe and sound. I just need to wait for it to get repaired and shipped back. Hurry up already Microsoft! I’m jones’n over here. I just realized it won’t be back in time for the release of Halo 3. *wail*

5 thoughts on “Word”

  1. I’m missing my 360 also. It’s been in the shop for a while. I think it may’ve been fried from my house being hit by electricity 🙂

  2. Take a deep breath, extend your arm, and give the world the bird. It doesnt change anything but its like a restart for the soul!

  3. Management and work isn’t worth your being bitter over…you’re too good a man for that shit. Give it up…..to the wind (god,i sound like some power of positive thinking weirdo). Can you say Brazillian??? Damn.

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