Laundry Day Again

Ugh! I’ve decided to start taking my laundry out. If I do it every week it won’t stack up.


14 thoughts on “Laundry Day Again”

  1. At first read that seemed pretty lazy to me, but then if you don’t have your own machines – going somewhere to do your laundry (even if it’s an area in an apt building that needs supervision) it can waste a lot of time. I like doing it myself so it’s done to my standards and smells the way I like.

  2. We do have 1 set onsite in the garage but they old and work poorly so would take me all day that way.

    Sit & Spin is only a block and half away. I just haul my granny cart out of the closet and drag it back and forth. If I am doing it myself, I prefer to do this as I can do it all at once.

  3. They had a Sit & Spin in Seattle. Is it the same in S.F.? Laundry on one side & a bar/live-show club on the other? I remember times where I got so drunk and would leave, forgetting my clothes LOL

  4. We have a washer/dryer now and it’s like living in heaven. Before that we either took it out or just bought more socks and underwear. Either one beat having to lug it out somewhere to do it.

  5. I’m an old timer from the Castro and the chinese cleaners at 17th & Castro have been there forever. And their name was that way before the area turned gay. Oh, for those of you not living in the Castro, the name is GAY CLEANERS!

  6. When I lived in Ess Eff, the first place I lived at (Pierce bet. Haight and Page) had a laundromat at the corner run by an elderly preacher of a Baptist Church which had the longest station wagon I’ve ever seen. The second and last place I lived (20 Ave. bet Irv. and Judah) had one washer and dryer for the building which was okay but there was a laundromat over on 25 and Irv. which i occasionally schlepped to.

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