The world was a buzz yesterday with the news that the SCOTUS ruled in favor of WBC [1]I won’t list their full name here being able to picket soldier’s funerals, among other things.
As horrible, shameful, and disgustingly vile I find the whole clan, I’m in agreement with the court. You can’t support a principle only when it benefits you. Living by a code of conduct (and/or laws) should apply to everyone. We can legislate what a person does when motivated by hate but the act of hate is and should not be illegal, nor should it be. Trying to legislate someone’s thoughts is a very slippery and dangerous road to go down. Such a path inevitably leads to ruin.
Most people think the WBC are about being anti-gay. I actually disagree. If you’ve ever been around anyone who is a fundamentalist in their religious beliefs, you discover really quickly one of their big, and I mean big, goals is trying to convert others to their cause. Its called proselytizing or testifying . If you step back from the raw emotion for a moment, you’ll notice the WBC clan don’t just focus on gay rights. They focus on anything that will get them lots and lots of attention. They’ve used extreme shock value to gain nationwide, possibly even global, recognition. Their hope is to convert as many people as possible to their beliefs. Its an ingenious approach but I’d argue its not having the intended affect. lol Growing up in the South, we always believed in shining a light on a cockroach. It does one of two things. It either scurries away to hide or it shows you how truly hideous it really is. In this case I think it’s the latter.
Think about what it must be like to have grown up in such a clan. A world shaped by their father to be absolute black and white. No room for grey or error. No compassion, no love, no forgiveness, only condemnation and pain. For you few yet faithful long time readers, see any correlation here? lol Yeah, I can understand it. Doesn’t mean I can accept it but understanding is the first step in conquering something you fear.
For my .02, we should continue to shine a light on the WBC’s petty hate and fear. Let the world see what comes from fundamentalist religious beliefs. For every 1 person they convert, they push 10 more away.
↑1 | I won’t list their full name here |
Wow…I've honestly never thought of it that way. Very interesting way to see it. Thanks…JP
I agree that the Supreme Court ruled correctly in this case. I would like to personally see the WBC clan get their asses whooped by counter protestors. That would be nice. 🙂