Into every life a little drama must fall. Some very kind and generous person left a snotty comment on my previous post. [1]Which has been deleted. I do not tolerate personal attacks. Here is the kicker though, the comment was directed toward my buddy brettcajun!
Oh yeah, it takes a real man to trash someone behind their back. *sigh* I probably shouldn’t be surprised, jealousy is truly an ugly emotion and it is very clear to me said person is just that. Btw, going out of your way to point out the flaws in others only serves to reveal you own. (And to said individual, kindly take your pissy bitterness elsewhere. This is your only warning.)
I forwarded the comment in its entireity on to Brett and I know he’ll be up in arms. Lol. If he wishes to repost it, its his call. For my part, I’m done with it.
** Update – per Brett, this pathetic person has spammed several blogs related to Brett’s. What a gem of a human being? **
↑1 | Which has been deleted. I do not tolerate personal attacks. |
Hi, it is Michael from Facebook. Jealousy is indeed an awful thing. You have to wonder about anyone taking the time to go out of their way to be mean spirited.
Thanks for deleting that Troll comment. I appreciate it. The interesting thing is that my Ex's gay brother lives in the same city where the IP address was located (Darmstadt, Germany). Hmm… coincidence?
The funny thing about all this is that a few people thought it was a publicity stunt pulled by me!!! Ha Ha. I keep telling them, I AIN'T THAT SMART!!! LOL.
I was surprised to see Brett praised so much!!!
I received that stupid comment on my blog as well. What a douche-nozzle!
Mobes – I got the same email on my blog too. Oddly enough 'he' put it in one of my posts from April. Like anyone was going back that far to read it.
He is kind of a passive-aggressive pussy, if you axe me.
My favourite was #8 on the list. If Brett were any of the things he mentioned, #8 contradicts the rest of that list.
He's a douchebag. The commenter, not Brett.
actually you guys, you should all realize who this person is by now – Brett (who evidently is smart as well as pretty, after all)
discovered the clue … Darmstadt, Germany. The mystery troller can be none other than…..
Frau Blucher!
Oh, leave it to homer to find a positive where a negative exists. LMAO!!!
Guess blogland never changes…I am gone for nearly a year and we still have *ssholes posting derogatory comments.