
When attempting to leave a comment, you will now notice a tiny checkbox below the “add comment” button.

I added a nifty little plug-in that allows users to subscribe to a particular post’s comments. [1]Keep in mind this has nothing to do with subscribing/registering as a user. So now anytime you comment on a post, follow up comments will be emailed to you, if you so choose. This is a post by post option and you have to post your comment for it to function.

I find this a very useful feature on other blogs as it saves me the effort of having to track other user comments to my replies. I figured why not add it here as well.

I had a little confusion this morning as it only shows the checkbox if you are NOT the administrator. I kept thinking it wasn’t working. Live and learn.


1 Keep in mind this has nothing to do with subscribing/registering as a user.

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