Still Kicking

Had a bit of a busy weekend. My friend Trev was in town from Houston. We don’t get to see each other as much as we used to so it was good to see him. He is going on a cruise tomorrow and promptly dragged me all over the city shopping for last minute “items”. [1]And ya know I was just kicking and screaming. lol Unfortunately, this led to some muscle spasms in my back and neck. Fast forward to my Chiro visit and I discovered I have whiplash from the accident. Not severe but still enough to cause problems when I stand or walk a lot. It is truly amazing how good you can feel from a good chiro adjustment. OY!

We also went to see “Burn After Reading”. It’s a dark comedy with Brad Pitt & George Clooney. There were some definite funny scenes and Brad Pitt’s character was hysterical. However, overall this is more of a DVD movie, IMHO. The build up was great and the acting was decent however, the ending was too quick and too convenient. It sort of spoils the mood the plot spends a lot of time building.


TFA is in town for a layover tonight so I get to see him too! I haven’t seen him since the accident so naturally I’m very “excited” about that. hehehe

The gym has been good. Ironically, the whiplash hasn’t affected me there at all. I think mostly because I haven’t incorporated any heavy back workouts into my routine yet. Today was supposed to be my back however, I switched to arms. I have no desire to re-injure myself in any capacity. That said, I am so happy to be working out again. The arm workout was great and the endorphins were even better. I also ran into “pubis boy” while I was there. It was all I could do not to pounce on him. lol

Overall, it seems I am, in fact, my old self again. The violent mood swings and paranoia have definitely subsided. I’m still scheduled to see my doc tomorrow. I had my blood work done last week so he should have some answers for me one way or another.


1 And ya know I was just kicking and screaming. lol

4 thoughts on “Still Kicking”

  1. Geez, I take a week off and all kinds of stuff happens! I hope all is working out a little smoother for you now, I had to giggle at the comments you made about being lonely, then the response to people being surprised that you would be lonely… I’m one of those people who figured you never would be, you put it out there that you’re all he-man like and infallable, so it’s a little bit touching to know that you ache. Hopefully not too much though, and of course I wish nothing but good things for you!

    @Kezza ~ I normally see loneliness as an ugly emotion that I have no time for. I am learning it does play a role in our development. The point is to realize and overcome it vs succumbing and turning it into a pity party. Or at least from my perspective. Thanks for the support too!

  2. Howdy from Fresno! Your “Burn After Reading” review was PC for “it stinks” … which is what my opinion was. It had the makings of a great movie. Starting with Brad Pitt.

  3. If there was a chemical imbalance, it may have been caused, at least in part, by the introduction into your system of pain killers/anasthetics, etc., from the time of the accident. Body chemistry, as you know, is delicate.

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