
I finally finished back categorizing all my posts. [1]Well 1 or 2 might have slipped thru but I can’t be bothered to worry. I didn’t actually lose as many as I had thought in the last upgrade. I also discovered a few posts were saved but never published. If you are a subscriber and get weird emails from me for posts from years ago, feel free to ignore.

I think I figured out the problem w/my categories. Somehow I had not one but two database tables for categories. *closed eyes* I nixed one. *peeking thru one eye* So far so good.

So far I’m liking the newer version of WordPress. The user interface seems a tad faster. The layout is a bit different but overall nice. It does takes a little getting used to. After the drama I went thru during my last upgraded, I decided to wait a while before I trying again. I’d never had any trouble before and to be honest I think the error was on my part. Regardless, I’m back up to par.

I guess I get to keep my geek card now.


1 Well 1 or 2 might have slipped thru but I can’t be bothered to worry.

3 thoughts on “Finally!”

  1. I had a “huh?” moment reading this because, well, you’re buff and hot and have a social life. The geeks I’m used to out here in Mundania are pale, flabby and have Dr. Pepper for blood…like me!

    Not that I’m questioning your tech credentials. I am but an egg. Not egg-shaped, mind you, more like a slim aubergine who aspires to higher levels of brains and beauty. Somehow I sense your apartment is not littered with empty pizza boxes, dog-eared sci-fi novels and network cables.

    Did the denizens of the Gay Mecca transcend the age-old belief that you can be smart or beautiful, but not both? I wonder just how many high school chess club members go on to be porn actors…

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