Hated It

I got hate mail!  It’s been ages since I got any hate mail.  Frankly, I’m long over due for the random ass-hole giving me a holier-than-thou speech.  hehehe.  I was beginning to feel neglected. 

I know I said last time I was gonna start posting’em here however, it doesn’t even warrant that.  It was basically some idiot ranting about how I’m gonna go to hell for being a pole smoker, as he put it. [1]Sounds kinda hot  I queried his IP and he is local.  I wonder if he is fishing for a date?  He obviously don’t read enough cause I’m easy but I’m not quick! DUH. 

I’ve often given serious thought to what it would be like if all of us went to hell.  As the hilarious Coco Peru once said, "it would quite a party is what it would be."   Think about it.  Every fag that has ever lived in once place!  We would of course, have to redo it, put in central air, a pool, a playroom, etc.  Cause you know we always fix up the run down shit our straight counter-parts have ruined or discarded.  Of course, they routinely want it back afterwards. 

Hey I know!  We could rent out hell as a tourist destination?  Then we would have a never ending supply of cash for our agenda of world domination and the conversion of every last man, woman, and child into our brood. [2]It is truly sad in this day and age people still believe such things. 


1 Sounds kinda hot
2 It is truly sad in this day and age people still believe such things.

7 thoughts on “Hated It”

  1. A bunch of non-Christians over on AOL’s “Do You Believe?” board started the Lake o’Fire BBQ some time ago after being “condemned to hell” by the FundaThumpers. It’s a blast! Weather’s great! Lotsa food to fit every taste, plenty of bevvies (and no one will gain weight on any of it), water’s fine, and the FundaThumpers are at their own little table off in the distance wondering why in they’re in hell while we just watch them and knowingly smile.

  2. You got hate mail ’cause sometimes, frankly, you can be a cunt.

    However, more often than not you are also insightful and entertaining. I read your blog because every now and again you make me laugh, or bring a tear to my eye, but you also make me think twice about whatever it is you are rambling about, be it sex, relationships, work … whatever.

    If you don’t like it, don’t read it. I continue to read because you hold my attention (and maybe because you’re just a little bit hot).

  3. I don’t get hate mail, I just have the one freak making multiple websites claiming I send death threats to other bloggers. lol

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