So the top 10 search queries people used to find my blog in the last 30 days are…
1. jason statham (yes he is still a hottie and I would worship at his phallic alter)
2. moby sf blog (duh)
3. (double duh)
4. moby files (triple duh)
5. gay muscle (I’m not sure if that is meant for me or gay and muscle in general.)
6. man thong (Clueless on this one)
7. myspace hillboy8 (Blog link)
8. muscle gay (same as # 5)
9. wardrobe malfunction (doubly clueless on this one)
10. “this boy elroy” bar (He bumped off “gay working man“)
Don’t ask me how man thong and wardrobe malfunction keeps being in the top 10. That shit cracks me up.
My referrals haven’t changed much. The top 2 are the same. 3 and 4 keep flip flopping every month. I wasn’t at all shocked to see twitter slip into 5th place.
1. / referral
2. / referral
3. / referral
4. / referral
5. / referral
A special mention to Jimbo. He is fast moving up the list. Still behind the search engines though. Better get busy bitches if you wanna remain on top. I’m adding a new list of useless info you could care less about, location clicks.
1. United States
2. Canada
3. Germany
4. United Kingdom
5. Spain
6. Australia
7. Hong Kong
8. France
9. Singapore
10. Netherlands
I’m surprised I’m not banned in China. Give it time, I’m sure they hate me. My overall traffic has settled to just above/below 10,000 clicks a month with 2,586 unique visitors this past month. Wow. Color me popular. I might make the D-list someday. Next to the homepage, this post is the most popular with my about page taking a close second.
I was shocked to see 3% of my visitors were still on dial-up. Move into the light, Carol Anne! All are welcome!
I was especially shocked to see the returning visitors vs new visitors was pretty much half and half. I credit the hidden posts for that. What can I say, sex sells. heehee. Can you tell I’m bored yet? I’m working OT at work and bored out of my skull!
I’m sure I contribute the Hong Kong part… I’m from Canada but is staying in HK for till early next year.
Not sure whether you actually see China listed or you meant Hong Kong, luckily government here is seperated from the mainland, hence I’m able to get in. 😀
I can live with Large Tony being on the TOP of me this long. I wouldn’t mind staying right below him on the BOTTOM. 🙂 I am not surprised by your statistics. That’s cool to see.
Hmmmm, I found you by typing in the keywork, “Oink”
Wouldn’t it be an interesting read if all of your readers posted how they ORIGINALLY located your blog?
i have very little evidence that anybody reads my dumb blog at all. probably mostly spam bots. i dont know why i bother, except it’s a good mental exercise.
I love reading through my blog statistics, but that’s just because I’m very nosy. 😉