Absolutely nothing overtly exciting in this post. Really, I swear. Oh alright, I do have a few half way interesting pics to share. That’s it!
Seems like a case of the nasties is going around the intarweb lately. From brettcajun’s regular hater list, Jimbo’s recent brush w/the a snooty-patooty, and homer getting a snotty email from a frigid hag over a minor posting error, my weekly list of not-so-fond admirers seems dull in comparison. Yes, I get hate mail. I often ignore them as I don’t have time for other people’s issues. Hell, I barely have time for mine. The last said commenter went thru the effort to register as a user and then complained about my explicit posts. Ignoramus, I told you not to register if you didn’t wanna hear about such things. Most often, I think folks are operating under the incorrect assumption I give a shit what they think of my life. No thanks, I’m all stocked up on bullshit here. That, or they feel compelled to project their own issues onto my choices. See afore mentioned comment. Moving right along….
Here it is folks, a real life Mobius Dorkus captured in its native habitat. Be careful, I hear they can be quite ferocious.
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The weekend was uneventful. The roomie’s bf is in town for a filming gig. He kept showing off his new iphone which I am summarily unimpressed with. Ok, ok, I’ll give props to the very slick interface however, it does very little besides look flashy. Here is a pic we snapped on our way to see the Harry Potter flick.
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And, as if to add insult to injury, here is Ty and I wearing our very uber-sheik 3D glasses. (We saw it on IMAX and the last 20 minutes was in 3-D)
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Now for some classic heart-warming family oriented pics. Oh yes! What would my blog be w/o some wholesome entertainment? Did I succeed or should I fire the censors?
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Alright, one more tidbit before I go. I must warn you it is NSFW (Not safe for work for you noobs) Me being silly as usual. But hey, if you got it flaunt it right?
Nice candle. It’s very long.
Welcome back from twitter Bore! Good to see you back to being interesting again. 🙂 I gave you a shout out on my blog. I REALLY love the vid and the racy photo. Good to see you minding the children (Little Ricky) and your roomie (Neil) this weekend. Did they behave this weekend?
i want to complain LOUDLY about the NSFW pic. What kind of blog are you running here anyway? I pulled up that pic AT WORK thank you very much, and my boss found it to be very SFW. much too SFW in fact. she demands more that are really NSFW. all the office girls do.
wow, cool! I am so jealous that you got to see Harry Potter in IMAX and 3D for the last 20 minutes! It’s great that you guys had fun on the weekend.
Lovin’ the pics. Really cool. Glad you had a great weekend. I’m not so much on the I-phone either. Seems like an unabashed Apple monopoly to me…….
WOO HOO! Loved the pics, Moby! Glad to be back to regular blog reading/posting.
You look great in your NSFW pic. 😀
brett ~ who said I stopped twittering? I am very good at multi-function dexterity. hehehe
I haven’t understood the purpose of twittering until last night. I so wanted to SHOUT a mini-post on my blog that Hilary Clinton KICKED ASS in the youtube debate on CNN. But… it wasn’t enough to do a full post. Damn… I could have used twitter for that! So… maybe I am warming up.
cool pics
btw you look much bigger
I’ll never understand why people take the time to e-mail you their negative take on what you have written on your very own blog, which no one is forcing them to read. I had an e-mail recently from a reader who expressed his opinion that I was much more interesting before I adopted my sons, and that he hated seeing me turn into “a Mommy blogger” … and he was going to stop reading if I didn’t stop. Ummm, okay… stop reading. Please.
You’re looking really, really good, Moby.