I’m delighted to tell you, I’ve seduced brettcajun over to the dark side of the web 2.0. Heheee! He finally broke down and joined the ranks of twitter this week. You can follow his ramblings here. I noticed he updated the blog to include a twitter widget. USE THE FORCE BRETT! Now, he just needs to start updating it more often. Then he’ll truly know the power of the dark side of the force! Oh yes, Web 2.0 is very addicting.
All joking aside, I support any technology that encourages communication. twitter is a cute service that fast becomes an obsession because you can get up-to-the-minute random minutia on your friends comings and goings. Especially when your friends live all over nation.
Wake up bitch. I have been up since 2:30am your time. You probably went to bed then, huh? I am still trying to figure out totally how to use twitter. It is making more and more sense to me. I like it.
OK Moby, now you got me to join! However, I can’t “invite” you or Brett because I’m on the road using my laptop and all your email addresses are on the computer at home.
P.S. Guess where I am Moby (HINT: you’ll be here soon)
do you believe that twitter is blocked here 8(
I like twitter and get a kick out of those who write blog parodies about it. They just don’t know how important it is, to be aware of what our buds are eating and sleeping with.