Random Smandom III

Work is in an uproar. There is some cheesy baseball game coming up next week and because of its popularity, someone decided to mobilize our department. Mobilization means we all go to 12 hour shifts, twelve on, twelve off. Needless to say, none of us are happy. The shitty part is it all stems from our numbers being so critically low we can’t staff up to meet the demands. I’ll shut up now otherwise, I might say some things I’ll regret.


In other news, I have a cute surprise coming soon. I picked’em up while I was back home. I think you’ll be tickled when it posts, I know I was. Speaking of posts, the private one is up, if you can’t see it you aren’t logged in. SHAME ON YOU.


This month marks the switch to my new insurance. First thing on the agenda, look into braces. I’ve put’em off long enough. I dread getting them but it is a necessity I can’t keep putting off forever. I want nice even shiny teeth and I have good dental coverage so I need to quit procrastinating.


Today was my first day back in the gym in a week. It felt so good but my energy tanked pretty quickly. I finished my set minus the normal heavy push. I think I might be a little worn out from being on the go so much. The batteries need time to recharge.

3 thoughts on “Random Smandom III”

  1. Logged in? Private posts? So much exclusivity.

    On the braces front…if it makes you feel any better I’m thinking of getting them myself.

  2. Sorry to hear about the 12-hour shifts. Congrats on the new insurance. Hope the braces go well. As soon as I read about you contemplating braces, all I could think of was Shelly Marsh on South Park yelling, “Stan, are you staring at my headgear?”

  3. Well Moby…
    now that you have reminded me. How do I get in to your private postings. You told me once but I can’t remember the whole password, etc set-up. email that when you have a moment.!

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