Life: Normal

A big thank you to all the kind words of encouragement and support regarding my dealings w/Continental AND with their handsome attendant. I didn’t even mind the walk of shame from the hotel the following morning.1

Gay High Holy day #1 has come and gone. The city has pretty much returned to normal.2 I am also home from my vacation and my week of antics. It was a busy damn week and I am glad to be back. From hosting the incorrigible brettcajun and my buds from Tuscon to flying home to see the clan, this blogger is tired. I’m slowly catching up on my blogroll as well.

Work today is almost a relief. (Almost) I didn’t really wanna come in today though. It is so nice and sunny out, I just wanted to go layout at the park. My friend Matthew dragged me out to the beach yesterday so I guess I can’t complain too much.

I posted more of the pics from the blogger summit. I still have twice as many to edit and load. I’ll get to it eventually. I’m feeling sooo unmotivated right now. Oh, and I’ll be posting a private post later this week as well. No, it is not about Steve but it is juicy. hehehe

Duty calls…

1 He had to fly out early not me. I stayed in bed after he left.
2 As normal as SF ever gets. hehehe

3 thoughts on “Life: Normal”

  1. Heh, your footnotes are mislabeled. 😉 But glad you had fun while having fun. *grin*
    (Oh, and per your ‘Where am I about who does 911 call, isn’t that why you have radio dispatch? Although I’m reminded of homer Simpson’s great line “Hello, operator, give me the number for 9-1-1”)

  2. OK Bud…
    You have to email me and tell me who the three handsome hunks are that are in the Blogger’s Gathering 2 photo. I believe you have it labeled #13 in your photo archive (two of the three reappear in #14). Woof! By the way, check out my Chicago trip post with all the photos, in particular the last row, with dare I say, a friend off BMB. I went out to meet him specifically, and let’s just say…well let’s leave it at that. The heart sputters.

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