Blogapalooza 2007

So here is the scoop in a nutshell. Blogapalooza 2007 is set for the last weekend of June.1

Several bloggers from all over will be descending upon the city for the festivities. I encourage you to look into booking now as the city does get pretty full.2 The Moby pad is also full up however, I am consolidating a list of folks looking for room and board and/or wanting to share expenses, etc. Also, if you are a local blogger and willing to open up your spare room or home to accommodate an incoming blogger, please let me know.

I am taking the weekend off and am hoping to schedule some group activities for everyone. Nothing fancy, overly expensive, or remotely pretentious will be planned. If you are hoping for the “social event of the weekend“, you are in the wrong place. However, it will be a social get together for us to meet, in the flesh, and get to know each other. You are not expected to be with the group the whole time however, it would be nice if you attend the big dinner with everyone. Cameras and video recorders will abound so please leave your shyness at the door. *wink*

That’s one reminder out of the way…

1 Which is also Gay Pride here.
2 Rumor has it, Large Tony is even considering a trip up.

13 thoughts on “Blogapalooza 2007”

  1. damn. if i weren’t just starting a new job, I’d be scheduling the time. I don’t; know I can swing it 3-4 months into new employ.

  2. Hum. Hum. Pride weekend…right? The place will be crazy. But it sounds fun. And it’s only a 1.15 hr flight from Portland. Will definitely have to give this somethought……..stay intouch.

  3. I am planning on being there Moby. May end up doing as I did last year since the mom’s house is in Castro Valley. Had thought about getting a hotel room for a night….when you say booked up…are you referring to stuff closer to the Castro or the hotels in general, even downtown in a pinch?

  4. I’m being told that I will be there LOL
    Stroker (Tony) is a very demanding queen! LOL
    I’m looking forward to it.
    I guess if I don’t plan this out, right – I’ll just stay with my sister.
    She’s in Marin County; which isn’t really that far.
    And June isn’t that far, either!

  5. I have already put in my reservation for half of your bed. 😉 Damn… with all the working out you are doing… I am going to have to quickly catch up. All this tennis preparation I am doing is making me focus more on losing the junk in the trunk than building muscle. I’ll start working on the getting back to beefy after the Austin tennis tourny in a couple weeks. 🙂 Look forward to seeing you again and all the other bloggers.

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