
OMG! This has got to be a new record. I’ve been online less than 2, 5, 10, 15 minutes today total. For someone who lives ‘on’ the grid, that is a new record.

Its my Friday and I’m off to catch up on the afore mentioned stuff I don’t have enough time to do lately. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.

Oh and whoever sent the IM, I did’t ignore you, I missed it. Forgive me.

11 thoughts on “Withdrawal”

  1. Only 15 minutes? Amazing. I think I’m at more than an hour each day. I love the web! It’s so cool….and link after link after link……it just gets deeper and crazier!

  2. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from the computer. I always have to remember that there is a world out there to explore beyond the desk chair.

    Great new header design. Very Batman/Matrix-ish.

  3. That Would Be Me. I Was Trying To Get Your Email Address Seeing As I Cannot Find It On Your Site. Maybe You Could Send A Short One To Me?: Megatron2d@msn.com
    Hope You Had A Great New Year And Love The New Blog Look!

  4. I’m a week late, but Happy New Year Moby. You are one of my favourite reads. I love what you’ve done with the place!

  5. Hey Moby – I actually tired something similar…took a few nights last week and occupied my time with something other than online. It was a nice break. Word, yo.

    Shawnie D.

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