12 thoughts on “Write a Caption?”

  1. Dude or chick? I’d like to give that little string on his/her right hip a good tug and see what happens. I wonder what line they were buying a ticket for…..Richmond? Fremont? Now, I did notice the (nearly) 100% color coordination….what’s up with those ribbons that don’t fit in…….maybe school colors? Wait! I know! Goldy Locks is looking for three bears….she’s going down to the Castro…..that’s it!

  2. that’s the baby jesus’s aunt Chrissy.
    Her trick is she can turn water into colt 45

    …then of course, later on she turns it into pee and pisses it all over her girlfriend-of -the moment. this week, the lucky gal is Anne Heche. …or so i was told.

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