It’s no secret I’m a tech geek. I love all things techy. Wired Magazine is one of my favorite reads online and off. Well, up until today. I’m sure I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill here however, there comes a point when one has to say “no more”. I was reading Wired online today and this article really irked me and I said as much. Mainly, as the author recommends lying to increase your blog popularity. And I’m sure people do it all the time. However, a little white lie today, a big white lie tomorrow. History shows us, once we open a door to a certain behavior in isolated incidents, it often becomes acceptable to use the same behavior in any setting. If you doubt it, just look at our current leader’s challenges to long-standing constitutional policies. An even better example would be sp*mmers who use any tactic to get you. It’s ok, if it works?
Anyway, I’m getting off the point. If you feel you need to lie to get people to link to your blog, perhaps it’s time to turn off the computer, go out in the real world and make real connections.
Agreed. This article irked me, too. I’ve never asked anyone to link to me and never will…’nuff said.
My theory is….I blog for me. If people read it and link to it, great….if not, that’s cool too.
I agree with Donnie, I blog for me and if you like me read me if not oh well there are other one’s out there for you to read. My life is not all about popularity. You can have all the attention in the world and still be lonely.
Thanks Moby, one reason I like your blog is your a straight up honest man. Keep it up.
This is all part of the philosophy which has seeped into our culture and is rotting us away as a civilization. it’s the now accepted belief that if you can do it, you should do it. it starts at the top (bush) and trickles down from there. think i’m overstating it? go out and count the h2’s and escalades.
For those people who have not already slept with everyone who reads their blogs … a warning: I don’t recommend it.
I think the guy is being sarcastic. He’s a blogger himself, ya know. And he totally has it right about people writing to you and asking for a link. Hey Moby, you gonna be galivanting during Folsom?
Have to agree with the early comments here. Hey Moby, Mr. Tech geek…any idea what causes me to see someone’s blog all scrambled? I have Firefox as a browser. I was viewing this person’s blog fine up until about three weeks ago. Now all his pics and or pasted U-Tube clips are jumbled across the screen, covering up parts of text and the comment buttons. It did seem to start at about the time this person started to post U-Tube clips.
Hey tony, it’s not you, its his webpage. He is on my list too. Looks like he misplaced some code on the page.
sssschew!!! Thought I was losing it there. Thanks Moby! Hope all is well. And Stay out of trouble if you meet up with Joe (JMG) at Folsom. 😉 I might see if I can get up there for that weekend. I know Mark from Zeitzeuge will be coming into town too.
Hey Moby – Some people can’t get people into bed without lying. Why would they stop at their blog?
I guess you’re either a good guy or naive. Or something altogether different from that.
Animals, I tell you … all of them!