Miss Manners

So I was riding the bike today and I clipped this guys mirror w/mine. He was rather disgruntled at first. He rattled off some epithets which I am more than accustomed to hearing. However, it’s amazing what a little contriteness can do. 1) I did stop. 2) I was very apologetic and 3) I fixed his mirror. He was very ok w/it by then.

Maybe manners are coming back in style. Who knew?

11 thoughts on “Miss Manners”

  1. I often comment on how far a little effort on our part can go. An apology, a compliment…just acknowldging someone puts them in a different frame of mind. We all get so caught up with our own problems that we tend to forget we’re all interconnected.

  2. OK, Moby you have to forgive me, but I just can’t help it.

    You were riding your “bike” and couldn’t steer clear of another vehicle? What would happen if you had to drive something big?

    (I’m just kidding, please don’t hate me!)

  3. Being a gentleman will always give you the upper hand in the end.

    Then you can use that upper hand to smack them on their bare ass. Then, after that, you can grab the can of crisco…

    …sorry. I stopped before I started talking about fisting, barebacking, and poop. My popup blocker is working.

  4. Glad to hear your “traffic incident” went well, Moby.

    Around noontime today I was involved in a fender-bender in the parking lot of my Walgreen’s Drug Store. Luckily, nobody was hurt and I didn’t get cited (don’t think she was either). Unfortuately, now the insurances get involved and we both have to get repairs. 🙁

  5. Yea, it is amazing how a little can go a long way. But then again, there are some people who, no matter how much you try to fix things, are just bitter to the end. Like joey said above… “good karma is a good thing.”

  6. Wow your also a mechanic. Yup manners will get you noticed for sure in our society as most people seem to have forgotten they exist. Nice job!

  7. Why Moby…all prim and proper? When did you become a ‘Georgia’ peach! Just kidding…had to get that rib in there. Hugs!

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