Track This Back Biyotch!

Lately, the evil sp@mmers have gotten good at infiltrating blogs using wordpress and typepad w/trackback sp@m. Basically, they trick the blog into thinking someone has linked back to a particular post and wordpress will post what is called a trackback comment. Of course, the spoofed version is just full of crappy links and words that increase hits from the evil engines.

Today, I installed a new filter that will verify said trackbacks and automatically discard the phoney ones. Hooray!

(or at least in theory, check back w/me in a couple of weeks…)

4 thoughts on “Track This Back Biyotch!”

  1. I use Spam Karma 2. It is da bomb. Literally. I can count on one hand the amount of spam that has gotten through since October.

  2. I’ll have to keep you in mind Moby as a resource if I end up with this issue. None so far, knock on wood! But me being the total computer illiterate that I can be sometimes might need some set up assistance. Hope all is well!

  3. OK I am so having that problem with one of my other BLOGS – would you care to share your secret with me and I can test it out with ya?

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