So the new roomie starts moving his new stuff in tonight. I’m excited. It’s been some time since I had a roommate and I’m really looking forward to it. The fact I’ve known the hussy for years only adds to the comfort level.
The bad news is I STILL haven’t moved my desk, the dresser, or the bed frame yet. *sigh* I’ve been so lazy lately. Even my normal domestic chores have piled up. Today, I cleaned the kitchen and I had so many dirty dishes in the sink the dishwashwer was full. Hello! I’m one person. You can imagine how long the dishes had been piling up. In a way, the roomie moving in will help. Knowing someone else will see your mess can be very motivating. hehehe.
I’m sure you were just dying to hear all that but no one reads on the weekends anyway. I’m bound to have something new to say by Monday.
I read on the weekends — and that’s just sad.
Well I happen to read on the weekends occasionally, merely to give myself a needed breather from school work!
Now Moby having those dishes out in front of a roommate will help motivate you clean up? or are you hoping it my motivate you roommate to do so, if he gets tired of it?
Just jush’in.
The only thing that ever motivated my last roommate (10 years ago) was to take her dishes out of the sink and off the counter and put them on her bed!
My name is Matt, and I’m a weekend reader.
I love to read blogs on the weekend, its less crowded.
When I get tired of doing the dishes I buy paper plates, plastic cups, plastic silverware. Then just throw it away. No more dish pan hands.
After meeting you in person, I would never believe you would let dishes collect in the sink; I had you pegged as a FELIX type personality. Wow, was I ever wrong on this one.
sorry to disappoint jeff. *G*
I’m mid range actually. I can be messy but I don’t like too so it goes in stages.