I forgot to mention, I got to meet another blogger this week. Kel from Who Threw That Ham. Kel is from Texas and recenlty moved to SF. We had dinner at Blue in the ‘stro and chatted about home, etc. He misses Whataburger too! hehehe
My mirror shot didn’t turn out so good so we asked the waiter to snap off a shot of us together. It turned out pretty good.
So far, Kel is liking the big city. I am a little disappointed. His blogging has lessened since his arrival. Hop over and tell’em to keep it up.
Well, it finally stopped raining. Yesterday, was the first day in weeks it didn’t rain once. Today is supposed to be clear as well. Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain again before finally clearing up. I’m hoping it bounces around us. Maybe I’ll get a chance to take the bike for a nice long ride next week. *cross your fingers*
My schedule for work is changing a bit this weekend. Instead of Mon/Tue/Weds off, I’ll have Sun/Mon/Tue and I’m liking that. One, it means I’m only working three days instead of four this week and two, I get a weekend day off! Can you say “beer bust” at the Eagle? (I don’t drink beer but it’s a fun chance to hang out and socialize in daylight hours!) I’m also getting ready for homer and brettcajun‘s visit. They are both crashing w/moi while in town. (Oh lord, what have I got myself into?) This just means, I have to clean up a bit. Take down the sling, put away the whips, clean up the lube stains, etc. (j/k) But I do need to clean up a bit. I don’t have much but at least it will be clean when they get here. Mi casa es su casa!
Moby –
You sound like you have got a bit on your plate. Looking forward to meeting up with you in SF with Brett and homer.
Hey if you got any good ideas for things to do, should you desire to get around SF or for that matter outside, I have the car to do it.
Mmmm Whataburger… I lived in San Antonio for 2 months back in 2003 and miss it a lot myself!
I am reading your past blog posts and wonder about this one…. If I were to come to SF would I get to visit
okay I won’t ramble but yeah… I hope that one day I will be comfortable sharing things in my life as well.