Kiss & Tell…

*another long winded rant, lord you are asking for it today. grab a sandwich*

Well, I’m flattered so many guys are interested in my love (or lust) life. I was taken aback by the flood of emails (and posts). *g* I was in such a good mood today I didn’t even mind the one very nasty email I got.

First, thank you sincerely to all the well-wishers. You solidify my optimistic belief in the kindness and compassion of humanity. (Being from the South, kindness is a biggie in my book.) Since I have yet to meet said person, I don’t plan on preemptively ruining it by blabbering my (and his) “biz-ness” all over my blog. I’m sure you can respect that even if you’re chomping at the bit to know. Like I said before. . . All good things cum all over come to those who wait.

I was really struck by the number of emails asking “what type of guy I’m hoping to land?” That’s not an easy question to answer. Especially, when I’m not hoping to land anyone. I’m open to a relationship however, I think ‘searching’ for one puts too much pressure on the interaction. And, I’m still growing as a person so it is really hard for me to answer w/any finality.

I often mention that I am trying to be the type of person I would want to date. Such a small statement but with profound repercussions. ( well for me anyway) I could give you all the traditional responses but what a bore that would be. Lets cut the crap and get down to the nitty gritty. I want to be desired! I wanna know that my guy digs me. For my bod as much as my brains. I’m not so foolish to think I have to be the best he ever had or will have. But I wanna know I rock his world and I definitely want him to know he rocks mine. I wanna look into his eyes and see his hunger for me. I wanna wake up, rollover, and plant big sloppy wet kisses all over him and know he digs it. Just me as I am. Not some made up version. Not the facades we often live. And definitely not the fake trappings of what so many like to define as a ‘real man’. No, just me. The deep soulful part of me as well as the sometimes insecure, selfish, shallow me. Am I making any sense at all here? And please don’t confuse this with perfection. Hell, I’m a lot to handle and very far from perfect.

God, I feel like Hellen Keller giving a weather forecast. I wanna know when the shit hits the fan, he is gonna reach for a towel instead of heading out the door. I wanna know when we fight (verbal mind you, this ain’t Ricky Lake) at the end of the day, we still support each other.

Ok it’s late and I’m losing my focus. Once again, I feel like I’m not getting my point across the way I feel it. What I’m trying to say is there are so many complexities about me yet I live by very simple straight forward principles. And yes, I’ve come to realize I do live by principles. Where most people see conflict, I see distinction. I act from my heart first and my head second. It doesn’t always turn out for the best but that’s how I’m built. I think if I try to change that part of me it would destroy the man I’ve become.

That’s it folks. That’s what it takes to be the man of men for Moby. Maybe it’s asking a lot, maybe it’s asking too much. I’ve spent my whole life settling for the wrong guy. Frankly, I’m a little tired of settling for someone who doesn’t value me as I am.

5 thoughts on “Kiss & Tell…”

  1. Awww…. I think you explained yourself very well Moby. 🙂 As you can see, you are on the top of many people’s lists for eligible batchelors. That’s cause you got that sexy vibe about you. Most importantly, you are REAL. You are self actualized. That is what I like the most about you.

    I loved the part about “when the shit hits the fan, he is gonna reach for a towel instead of heading out the door”. That is so very important. The Catholic in me always believes in forgiveness. There should always be the chance to talk about anything… and leave open the door for forgiveness.

  2. Moby…
    You’re right on par with me. I tend to act from the heart first rather than the my head. Whether you fess up to it or not, you’re probably of the more compassionate, sensitive type, if your self-assessment has been read correctly.

    I agree with Brett’s comment on “when shit hits the fan.” (Geez, Brett’s Catholic too. Nice to know I am not the only gay Catholic out there, and one with a tender ,forgiving heart too.)

    OK…I know I was one of those one’s tryin’ to get you to fess up, but all in jest. I know it’s personal stuff and I respect that. I’d do the same. (Just don’t make me wait too long…heehee!)

    I’d through one comment in. You mention or describe how you want to feel about ‘him’ and how you hope ‘he’ feels about you. When your looking (and I am not saying you do this), don’t necessarily let the physical element or the ‘my type’ be the driving force behind a guy getting your attention. That doesn’t always gain you the right type of person for a real relationship. I find that some of the most average, unexpected people, sometimes shy, yaday yada yada, tend to end up being the most sexiest, best people for a real relationship. They may be ready to open there heart to you – you just need to be consious of it by opening your heart up and giving them a chance.

    I think you have that potential.
    Now Moby…get into Brett’s blog article from today and tell him what ‘dying to know question’ you have for his endeavor back into ‘video’ podcasting.

  3. Great post. Something I rant about a lot. 🙂 I’m a firm believer that you gotta be just as much “into” the guy as you are into him.

    PS: I don’t know how I found your site but it’s a great read! 🙂

  4. Your all growed up. As for Helen Keller giving a weather forcast she’d fit right in with the one’s on TV now! This line cracked me up.

    Mr. Right is out there, one day when you least expect it you’ll find him and he will be everything you described and more.

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